Apr 29, 2008 17:17
Jogging in the rain sucks, but being in better shape is nice. I am pulling clothes out that I haven't been able to wear in years. Nice to have positive reinforcement.
A funny thing happened at the end of the jog. I am about to go into my apartment when I notice an ambulance down the block. This isn't uncommon due to the amount of elderly people living nearby, but as I watched.. three precinct cars roar in against the one way, and another ambulance. I jog up and look around, in addition another unmarked car with two plainclothes detectives show up.. and a white shirt lieutenant.. ok, so my brain starts working against the fact that I am not working today.. I linger long enough to find out that an elderly man apparently walked into the house and then passed out.. which is not exciting but for the fact it wasn't his house.
Since there was no carnage or scandal, I called it a day and came back home.. but I think it's the most excitement the cops have had in months.