-Simple things- is what my heart beats for<3-Cause thats me;;I don`t ask for much

Nov 15, 2004 18:14

If things d0n't g0 y0ur way
Use my shoulder t0 lean 0n
If things d0n't g0 y0ur way
Use my pill0w to lay 0n
If things d0n't g0 your way
Use my shoulder t0 cry 0n
That's what friends are f0r
I kn0w it's a struggle
Y0u g0tta flex y0ur muscle
D0n't be scared t0 hustle
There's n0 reas0n t0 wrestle
Take y0ur time
Clear y0ur mind
Y0u know I am here for y0u
D0n't be scared
P0ur 0ut y0ur heart
I'll be there wherever y0u want<3

Havent updated in like forever .. Same Shit>Different Day ;]. Yu` knowww. Anyways. Friday basically just talked on here and the phone the whole night. It was pretty pimp. -Diddnt feel good so i diddnt wanna do anything. Plus the game was cancelled so I decided to wait til Saturdayyy. So Saturday I got ready then my brother took me to ashleys house .. When i got there she was getting ready .. and we were waiting for Kristen Whipple to get there cause she was giving us a ride. So she got there, and we left. We got a parking spot or w/e, and went over to the game. We went in and there was absolutely noone there. So we went over and tlaked to the cheerleaders for a little bit. It was a good time. Then we walked to see if anyone else was there. We saw a few people, but it was early so noone was there yet. We were thinkin about goin up in the cheering section, but there was noone there yet either, so we decided to wait a little. So we left and met up with Justina. We went over to Subway to see Ryan. Saw some people on the way over there. Then Kristen decided she wanted to park closer. So ash and JUstina stayed there and we went to go find a parking spot. Plus we were freezing so we decided to blast the heat. It was a good time. We found a spot over by dunkin doughnuts. Saw a bunch of people..talked..yu know the dealll .. so im sittin there talkin to ppl .. and all i hear i shawn wall .. Omg i never moved quicker in my life..haha i havent seen that kid since last year! ahh i miss him so much. ! I was happy to see him. Hes still the same old shawnnn =) .. haha gotta love him. So then Kristen decided she diddnt wanna park there either, so we moved to a different parking spot .. again. Then we decided to walk in the game. By that time there was a bunch of people there. We talked to people for a while, then went to the cheering section. Saw a bunch of people there too =) .. Good times. So it was going into overtime, so we left cause we wanted to get out before everyone was leaving. We went out to eat. It was me/kristen/ash/justina/sharon/ryan/and ashleys sister. It was a good time =) . Took pictures with the cell .. Yu knowww..So we ate and then chilled and talked for a while. After that kristen took us home, and i stayed at ashleys hosue til my brother came. Then he came and he was hungry, so we went to mc donalds..after that we went home. I talked on the phone for a little and that about it . SUnday i went up the G`rents house, cause theyre goin away on sunday. Me and my cousin basically walked around montain top .. called people..and went to dunkin doughnuts for a while. Nothin really after that .. came home .. talked on there .. the phone .. Did homework .. the whole Dileo ;]. Mmm today school . It was good. But thats all i have to say for now .. Byee . <3 .. ill update sooonnn <3
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