Roll on the fucken Weekend!

Oct 22, 2009 18:20

It's been one of "Those weeks" where stupid things just go wrong and the kids have been total shits too. Counting the weeks til I start maternity leave and this week is incerasingly solidifying my almost-made decisionth at i'm not going back.

Trying to toilet train the boys, was going really well last week til their father ballsed it up on Saturday by being too damn lazy to take them to the loo and instead put them in nappies for the day. Start again at square one on Tuesday thanks Jo.

Pranged the work car today and they're going away tomorrow so there's bugger all time to get it fixed. Really only the light cover is urgent so hoping he can get that done tomorrow. Guessing I'll need to apy the excess on their insurance too which i can't afford. *Sigh*

Flooded our bathroom last week, flooded the work kitchen today.

I say roll on Tomorrow night when I don't have to be there for 3 whole days!!!
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