I <3 Ploutarhos

Mar 26, 2005 14:04

Omg!@&@!&*!*%@ Me and ma greek gang went to see Yannis Ploutarhos in concert!!!! Hes the most popluar singer in Greece right now, and has the best voice ever! This was his first time preforming in America.But before we went, me and pk went to the mall to buy something to wear! then we got ready and went to the concert at Rosemont Theatre. We had some connections soo it was all good. ;) we were sitting like 10 rows from him! there were thousands of people yay!
Sooo the concert started and there was a sign by the door that said no pictures allowed....do u think we listen ...heck no! Ploutarhos was singing and he would shake peoples hands from the stage so we were all crowded around and guess wat......I Touched him!!! :) lol we got pictures taken with him, and then he decides to go walk around the asles as hes singing and everyone got up from there seats and started crowding around him. I was standing face to face with him. It was Awesome! and his voice was so Beautiful! he is better singing live then on his cd albums. I will never forget this night.
After the concert we were gunna see him and talk to him from V.I.P. but we didn't cuz well there was alot of people still so we left. Then we went to Stake n' Shake lol we were all dressed up compared to the people there, tiz alright. We saw some people there which is always cool. Best night ever!!! =) EEEEE!


My Love

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