snagged meme......

Nov 18, 2009 01:26


What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?

not sure I really have a fave….think that varies with mood

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?

prolly Chinese food

What are your pizza toppings of choice?

if I have to have pizza totally content with a mushroom or really just whatever with veggies prefer no pepperoni

What do you like to put on your toast?

peanut butter and jelly


How many TVs are there in your flat?

3… room, bedroom, adam’s office/spare room

What color is your cell phone?


Do you have an iPod?

yep….not sure what I would do without it…..


Are you right-handed or left-handed? '


Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

besides teeth?…..i know I lost a fingernail once or twice as a child that count?

What is the last heavy item you lifted?

floor jack that bought father in law for x-mas that think is way heavier than I was expecting when in it’s box

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?

not sure…..i don’t think so……


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?

don’t think so

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

not sure if I would

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?

depends how hot it is





Halloween and Christmas oh and Thanksgiving because I love turkey




Missing someone?

some out of state friends currently…..


coming down off fangirly high was on most of day

What are you listening to?

Kris Allen…..right now it’s on Send Me All Your Angels…..

Current worry?

finding a PT job I want to do… don’t just take anything


First place you went this morning?

kitchen…..made adam’s lunch

What's the last movie you saw?

Star Trek Reboot earlier tonight on DVD


Ever got pulled over by a cop?

a few times….

How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

a lot…..not even sure anymore

Last person you talked to?

hubby before he went to bed

Last person you hugged?


Do you always answer your phone?

usually depends what is going on

It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?

most likely not gonna happen don’t get a lot of texts

If you could change your eye color what would it be?

prolly green

Do you own a digital camera?


Have you ever had a pet fish?

we had fish growing up at different times

Favorite Christmas song(s)

Last Christmas

What's on your wish list for your birthday?

not sure as that is quite a ways away would prolly change from now to then

Can you do push ups?

last time I tried I could

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?

I think it prolly makes all of a little of both

Do you have any saved texts?

only because I am kinda bad at just deleting them when I am done reading

Have you ever been in a car accident?

put my car in a ditch once in not so nice weather driving back to college back in the day

Do you have an accent?

don’t think so

Plans tonight?

prolly should go to bed soon…..was gonna make a squeally fangirly type post on here but not sure if I’ll get to it or just try to get some sleep and maybe post something in the morning when not squeeing quite so much

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?

I think so but I think you could think something is rock bottom can be different based on the time in your life

Name 3 things you bought yesterday?

well since it is after midnight…..Kris Allen CD, Star Trek Reboot DVD, and some x-mas gifts

Have you ever been given roses?

yeppers…..but mostly other kinds of flowers more I think……

Met someone who changed your life?

yep…..not sure if it was always for the better

How will you bring in the New Year?

if hubby has his way… home….my way…anywhere but just at home….we’ll see who wins

What song represents you?

not sure really

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?

depends when I get to go to…

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?

Not prior to the hubby….was having quite a bit of fun playin the field mostly


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