Summary: John turns to the dreamshare technology during the Hiatus, in order to be with ‘Sherlock’. When Sherlock returns, he finds that John has chosen to drop into limbo to be with Sherlock’s projection permanently. Sherlock decides that even if its the last thing he’ll ever do, he will wake John up to reality.
Crossover with Inception. Only the verse borrowed. A reader doesn’t need to have seen Inception to enjoy the story.
(OP which inspired the story: “When I appear it’s not so clear if I’m a simple spirit or I’m flesh and blood.”)
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~6000
My notes: Written frantically for the Sherlockbbc Commfest in two days, this story has been dictated by my first reaction to one of the prompts and does not follow any one single prompt to the letter. Crossover with Inception (only the verse borrowed). Someone who hasn’t seen Inception should be able to follow the story, as all core concepts have been explained (hence double the word-limit length). Apparently, I’m mental enough to attempt something like that.
Unbetaed or britpicked, so apologies for any errors. Also, I’ve adapted the fic as per my own understanding of the INCEPTION verse. My apologies to hard-core Inception-fans if I’ve missed something out.
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