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Jan 16, 2010 13:13

...Album I bought: Horses by Patti Smith. So, ok, I may be discovering Patti Smith a little late. Er, something like 35 years late, but if I could have been listening to this album from the age of -11 I totally would have. It's pretty wow. I don't think I even need to say much about it. Godmother of punk, etc etc. Also, I think I need to have a bit of a relisten of all the Ani DiFranco I have once I've finished listening to Horses over and over. I suspect I may have a slightly better perspective with which to appreciate her slightly more out there spoken poetry-type tracks.

...Dvd I bought: Watchmen. Ahahaha. Believe it or not, I didn't actually see this at the cinema, and then it was on sale for $15. It was good. Better than I expected, although I'm not really sure what it was I was expecting. I remember finding the comic slightly hard going when I read it years ago. Amazing and crazily deep, but hard going.

...Fandom I got obsessive about: Dr Who. I just have to close my eyes and hum whenever I recognise a bit of Cardiff. I hate hate hate recognising stuff. Jerks me right out of this beautiful sci-fi world and right into oh-yeah-some-guys-filmed-a-scene-there.

...Game I bought: World of Goo. I played the demo ages ago and then never thought about it again. Then it was on sale super cheap, so I picked it up on Steam. And I am really rather overjoyed that I did. It has a storyline! A storyline of hilarity and joy. The crazy is truly almost up to narrauko standards. I may go back and play it all over again just for the chapter transitions.

...Fanmix I stuck on repeat: Oh Beautiful Death (God never really wanted you) by miss_atom, a Darla fanmix. Every time I think I'm finished listening to this playlist I find myself coming back to it. Wonderful songs, and the first place I came across Florence and the Machine.
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