Apr 29, 2008 06:19
Yesterday's Jawa Pos had articles about the idea of a full-day school being implemented in the state school system. The polls said that 56% of the students rejected the idea, on the basis that they will get less fun time and will be exhausted by the end of the day.
My opinion? They're just too spoiled. Well, maybe I can't say that - after all, tidur siang still seems to be a necessity for them. It's not something I'm used to so that's probably why I love the full-day system. It's true that you get home much later, but you also get Saturdays off! And I find it quite efficient, you get long breaks in between classes, and it's enough to fend off any tiredness.
It's normal for people to reject ideas that are not familiar to them, I guess. I've experienced both systems and as much as I like getting home earlier, I'm in favour of full-day. In fact, I am so for it that I thought of sending Jawa Pos an e-mail to let them know of my opinion. (Don't know if I will, though) Their article was pretty one-sided, I thought. I mean, sure, the majority rejected the idea, but they didn't have opinions from the ones who were for it.
Anyway, I found a little column about it as well:
Jawa Pos
Senin, 28 Apr 2008,
Harus Ada Selingan
Tujuan pelaksanaan program full day school adalah meningkatkan potensi siswa. Dampak lainnya, siswa jadi tidak mudah larut dalam berbagai pengaruh buruk. Misalnya, narkoba dan pergaulan bebas. Apalagi, kita hidup di kota metropolis yang godaannya sangat besar. Sistem tersebut memang tidak mudah dilaksanakan. Guru lebih capek karena waktu mengajar lebih panjang. Siswa juga lebih mudah bosan karena panjangnya waktu belajar. Solusinya, harus ada selingan berupa aktivitas olahraga atau kesenian. Bisa juga diisi dengan kunjungan ke lokasi-lokasi yang bisa meningkatkan pengetahuan. Waktu yang tersedia jangan seluruhnya dihabiskan untuk mendalami kurikulum. Kalau seperti itu, siswa justru mudah bosan. Sehingga, tujuan full day school dalam meningkatkan potensi siswa tidak akan tercapai. (rum)
Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Surabaya
I got a little confused. I've read over it about five times now and I'm still left with confusion.
So what is the conclusion? I saw two conclusions there, mister. I think it's sad when the Head of the Education Department can't even write a well-structured and logical small opinion column. What does that say about the education system?
in indonesian,