1. The new job is very good, but it's an odd week to begin a student-centered job, since they are all on break.
2. MIL is driving me a little batty, but I am handling it better than her last visit. Hopefully, one of these visits, she will learn that I need a little bit of space and time to myself. And, maybe she will stop speaking to John like I am not there, "Does she want me to cook the chicken tonight?", etc.
3. My best friend and her daughter leave the Chicago 'burbs (hello Schaumburg!) today and arrive tomorrow. I can't wait!
4. No word from my sister, but her best friend saw my best friend in the Jewel last week, and her vest friend cried (literally) about how much she misses me, and how much she wishes I would just make up with my sister because "that's just the way she is, and I've always been okay with it before." Suffice to say that my best friend laid it out for her.
5. We will be braving the pre-Thanksgiving grocery stores tonight, god help us. At least that's better than doing it tomorrow.
6. Happiest birthday to my very dear friend
scarletts_awry -- I hope you have a wonderful day, and we will celebrate soon!