Important Links and Quotes

May 01, 2011 20:23

I'm sure you are all aware of the devastation from the tornadoes in AL and elsewhere. But perhaps you are not aware of how you can physically help (prayers are always appreciated)! Here is a site for donations to be given. And here is more info about their stories. Please consider their plight--how you would feel in such a situation--and how we as brethren should be helping!

I'm also hoping that this cause will be funded before the deadline runs out in 6 days! It is for WWII veterans. We never know if this will be used for their salvation, or how it will edify others.

And lastly, here are some good quotes from Spurgeon (you can find them in the book Humility and How to Get It)....

'As to our own experience of trial and of delivering mercy, it is sent for our good, and we should endeavour to profit to the utmost by it: but it was never intended that it should end with our private and personal benefit. In the kingdom of God no man liveth unto himself. We are bound to comfort others by the comfort wherewith the Lord hath comforted us. We are under solemn obligation to seek out mourners, and such as are in tried circumstances, that we may communicate to them the cheering testimony which we are able personally to bear to the love and faithfulness of God. Our Lord has handed out to us spiritual riches of joy that we may communicate thereof to others who are in need of consolation through great tribulation.'

'Do not think less of the believer who says, "My experience is only this:--
'I'm a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all.' " '

'I find written in the infallible Book that if I trust the Lord Jesus He will perform His office of Saviour upon me. I have trusted Him, and He has saved me. "Is that all the witness you have?" says one. What more witness do I want? I may be able to mention certain incidents which attend my conversion; but these are not my hope. I place no reliance upon what I have thought, or seen, or felt. If anybody could prove that I never saw, and never felt, and never heard anything of the kind, I should not be troubled about it, for one thing I know--I know that I heard that text, "Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth"; and I did look, and I was saved. What is more, if I did not then look, and was not then saved, I do not care twopence to contest the point, for I am looking now, and therefore I am saved. That is the comfort: we have not to rely on past faith, but still to go on believing. Looking unto Jesus ever; coming to Him always: that is the true position for peace.'

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