You get what you get, and you don't cry about it.

Apr 14, 2010 20:31

I'm apparently destined to be stressed indefinitely. After the massage from hell which resulted in the worst back pain I have ever known, I developed shingles. On the same day that the shingles pain started, my brother stormed out of the house (punching a hole in the wall and knocking my little brother over in the process) only to return the next day to say that this wasn't his house and get some of his stuff. He's now living with my friend's family (causing me more stress). At the same time that I'm off work with the shingles, my dad and brother were super sick. Then when I took time to visit my grandparents at Easter, I got super sick. I made it back to work for one day before having to take the rest of week sick. Plus I got an eye infection. During this entire thing, my opa has been very sick and on the verge of dying (which seems to happen to him every other week). So we're preparing for a funeral, only to learn today that we may be planning for the wrong funeral, because now my oma is in kidney failure.

Why can't life dole stress out in small doses?


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