movie review

Oct 02, 2006 20:14

So, I'm not sure if you guys have heard about The Science of Sleep because it is apparently one of those select theater shows, but if G'ville gets it, H-burg must. Anyway, (fyi) it is from the director of Eternal Sunshine (one of my top 5 movies...prob top 3), Micheal Gondry, and it is one of those sweet, dreamy movies that you have to be nuts to love.

Well, I may not be nuts because it was a bit hard to follow (though it is adapted from a French version, so, ya know those damn French), but it was so beautiful to watch, and the graphics people among us would have to appreciate that. I really like the writer's conception of the makeup of dreams. Non verbatim quote: "a dash of a song you heard today, your work assignments, love, sex, lust, and your favorite childhood memory"...that's what dreams are made of. Not much to the love story or insight into the meaning of life (as opposed to E. Sunshine), but it was lovely like a nice fairy tale or nursery song, so see it if H-burg gets it. Rent it and save money if not.

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