Texas trip, pics, etc

May 27, 2010 16:15

So we're finally back from the visit home. I have to say, I think it ended up being more stressful than fun, but I'm glad we went. We got to meet a lot of each others' family that we'd never met before, and I feel like we're closer now than we were before we went.

The stay at my mom's house was relatively uneventful. I went to visit my great grandma in the hospital, but she was asleep and couldn't be woken. Apparently her health has gone downhill fast in the last few weeks. We were hearing later that day that she wasn't going to make it through the night, but she's still hanging in there. I don't think she ever woke up, though. I also got to see my step-grandpa (my dad's stepfather since he was a kid), who is dying of melanoma that's spread throughout his body. That one really made me sad, because he looks so different from the last time I saw him, and they are so hopeful that he will recover, but from what I've heard from the rest of the family, things are pretty grim.

The stay at Adrian's mom's house was more interesting. She seemed to be bursting with nervous energy the whole time we were there, but he says she's always like that. He hasn't visited her in nearly four years, so she was very anxious to spend time with him. We spent most of the time we were there just hanging out at her house, but apparently watching TV together doesn't count as "quality time," and she got upset when we went out for a couple of hours to run some errands. She was waiting for us when we got back, and she threw a bit of a fit. It made me pretty uncomfortable. I left the room and Adrian dealt with it, and she seemed calm when I came back, but ugh. I spent probably 30 minutes crying in the guest room because I thought she didn't want me there. He says she had a problem with him and only had good things to say about me, though, so I hope that's the case. She did make AWESOME, restaurant-quality Chinese food and fresh baked bread, so that saved the trip.

Austin was by far the easiest/best part of the trip. The wedding was awesome. There were amazing pulled pork sandwiches and cupcakes and we played two pretty good games of no rules, no score Scrabble. I managed to play the word DILF. We stayed at the Austin Motel on South Congress, and although the mattress sucked, the location was great. We walked down to Guero's our last night there and ate dinner and drank a bunch of margaritas, then went to the Amy's across the street and had ice cream. I had a really good time, and I still love almost everything about Austin, but I'm starting to think that maybe I'd rather settle somewhere with a less oven-like climate. I'm tired of sweating all the time, ya'll.

Unfortunately, Hemy pissed all over the office (where their Litter Robot is) while we were gone and now half of the house smells like pee. We had someone coming over to feed them and stuff, but Hemy needs a lot of attention or he starts acting out like that. The housekeeper came over the day before we got back and cleaned most of it up, but it still smells kind of pee-ish in there. I think the Litter Robot is the source of the smell, and we just need to take it apart and scrub it down with soap and water. We went over the whole room with a black light and I can't find any pee we missed on the floor or furniture.

Oh, also, my little (18-year old) brother failed all his college classes last semester, brought mom's car home reeking of pot, and also got caught smoking pot on campus last semester. The school forced him to call a parent, and he called my dad, who didn't tell my mom. My mom and dad are divorced, and mom's paying for all of Corey's college, so, of course, she was pretty shocked to find out this had been hidden from her. Apparently he also had some kind of mental breakdown and stopped going to classes entirely for most of the semester, which is exactly what happened to me when I went off to school at 18. So the point of this story is, my mom called me to complain about all of this, and during that conversation, she managed to work in a dig about how she doesn't think I'm "entirely well yet." She does this fairly often. We'll be having a conversation about something or somebody other than me, and she just randomly feels the need to remind me that she thinks I'm still pretty mentally ill. It drives me crazy. I have anxiety. I will ALWAYS have anxiety. I'm dealing with it and living my life. What does she want from me?

Ok, a few pictures. We didn't really take many, though.

This is the penis-shaped sign at our motel. It had a really nice 8' pool.

These are a couple taken in our hotel room that night we drank a bunch of margaritas.

One Adrian took of his phone of me considering my options at Magnolia Cafe.

One of Hemy sleeping.

And a couple of Walrus being cute. They all really like that blanket.
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