Apr 10, 2007 22:18
Do you ever wonder if one day we'll grow old and the "change the world" mentality won't matter anymore? Or is it one of those "once a dreamer, always a dreamer"? I really hope it is option 2.
I heard a talk tonight at 7|22 about human trafficking and...I saw glimpses of my old self. The self I have been longing to see again for quite sometime. The me that strived for so much and believed in changing the world...before the cynacism that ran paralell with teaching. The passionate self...the self that friends say defines me and is such a prevelent part of my personality.
I realized the other day that I was a sheep among wolves with teaching...and I have survived because I have become a sheep in wolves' clothing. How did that happen and when the hell did I become a conformist? I am still mulling and unpacking this on all the levels it should...however...I am a lamb. At my core I am His lamb.
I am and always will be...
A roaring lamb