May 31, 2003 18:24
I've been exchanging letters with Viktor for a few weeks, now, and I've decided it's clearly time for me to take advantage of his offer to visit him in Bulgaria. I've written my parents about it, but I'm not certain they like the idea. I'm certain I'll convince them, anyway. I'll have loads of time this summer, most of which I'll be using for studying, but I am going to go visit Harry at Dogear Wryde, I think. I'm not sure I've been invited to the Burrow this year.
The money S.P.E.W. has raised through dues and selling flyers and buttons is getting to be surprisingly considerable. I've got to decide what to do with it. Last week Ron suggested buying a broomstick for a house-elf and seeing if I can rally to get him on a Quidditch team, but I'm not certain that's the best use for it. Also, I'm not certain if he was serious or not. Probably not, come to think. Either way, I shall probably need to visit Gringotts before the summer gets too far in and deposit all the money in an account. I keep it under my bed and I set several protective charms on it, but Crookshanks rubs up against the box at night and sets the charms off. He's such a clever kitty; too bad I can't convince him to stay away from the box. He probably thinks he's being a guard cat. Speaking of cats, I never thought I'd see Professor Snape with one.
Right, I've got to get back to re-copying my DADA notes. Someone spilt pumpkin juice on them this morning, then had the nerve to tell me not to have homework at the breakfast table. As if I'm the only one studying lately! I got several looks for taking the notes along to the Quidditch match earlier, but I had to catch up!
It's actually sort of quiet for once. This leads me to wonder where Ron is. I haven't seen him for days.