Aug 10, 2005 18:49
Here it is, almost 3 weeks later... I still haven't talked to my parents. My dad did finally come around by sending Phil an e-mail (that was all addressed towards me)... basically saying that they were the ones who were disrespected and my favorite "the shoes DON'T come off no matter what comes out of this"... I e-mailed him back, nothing nasty... I did state that his shoes may not come off no matter what comes out of this, but my "no shoes" rules will still stand no matter what comes out of this. My mother called me later today, after reading the e-mail that I sent and left me a very nasty voicemail. She says I'm mean and if we never speak again, that's fine with her. Who's being the mean one??
It's such a petty thing to blow so out of proportion but I've let my parents push me around long enough, this time I am standing my ground. I think that's what bothers them so much... this time they can't tell me what to do.