every kind of memory, with strings that tie to you

Mar 16, 2007 22:43

i'm sitting here listening to flat beat by mr. oizo (you may recall this oldschool wedge frequent)
this might be my ultimate thinking song
i.e. a song i can jump hop along in my head to and find my mind drift off
i started thinking while listening to it
i thought about how piteously romantically LAME i was in highschool
how i had no real personality until 2006 but how glad i am to have found this one
that i love the people around me more than i can comprehend
how much my father's daughter i am
how much my mother's daughter i am
how i am the son my dad finally had after 3 girls, only... "this one doesn't look right, honey... he's got a.... vagina.. oh... another girl.. *defeated sigh* well, let's at least name her something manly"
how cold i am right now
how much i want a cigarette
how much i shouldn't have a cigarette
how i am having one anyway

how delicious that just was

how INTENSE electronic mall madness is (i played it tonight and saw everything about it that.)
saw everything about it?
i understand it.
every single copy of it in the universe should be burned and the blueprints must be thrown under a safetly capsule for a bomb and blown to smitheens.
it teaches you the following:
       shopping gives you a personality! (see: the character cards for the figurines you use to move around the board)
       it's wise to be frugal, but if you really want to be a winner, you'll be just FINE with splurging, too! (impressed upon us by the option of shopping at a store (by shopping at 6 in one game, you open up the winner's alley to finish first!) not only when one is one sale, but at any time you feel like you're in need of dropping some cash)
      shopping isn't only a passtime, it's a way of LIFE! (exemplified by the electronic voice saying things like "there's totally a sale at the shoe store!" and "seriously? there's a clearance at the cell phone shop?")

AND my favourite:

don't worry if you're running low on cash, HUBBY will always give you more! (as shown by the occasional announcement for " player green, hurry to the ATM! you've got $80 waiting for you!" or "player blue, collect $50 at the ATM"

if i had the option, i would write my thesis on this game and others like it (see: Operation (it's ok to be clumsy! who needs skills? life is just a game!),  IMMEDIATELY

finally, do me a favour: i know nobody likes the red hot chili peppers and never did (liars) but please acquire the following song:
Porcelain. It's from the album Californication, their most beauteous incarnation. please do it. an unexpected ballad. my dream slow-dance song. not that i slow dance.

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