J-rock North Promotions Inc - Concert
In commemoration of Japan and Canada's 80th anniversary and in association with: Avex Group, One Million Comix, Tearbridge Production, The Consulate of Japan, The Great Hall Centre and Dotcon, J-rock North Promotions Inc. is proud to host a concert to celebrate music and culture from the East and West. This event is a precursor to the DOTCON: Arts Media and Popular-culture Convention (
www.dot-con.com) which will be held on the 15th and 16th of November, a day after the concert.
These events are a part of the convention, but separate ticket fees do apply. Dotcon members and pre-registered congoers are eligible for discounts on the ticket prices.
Proceeds form the concert go to Second Harvest (
Date: Friday November 14th 2008
The Great Hall Centre
1087 Queen St. West
Toronto, Ontario
M6J 1H3
Camino (Japan)
Artbeat (USA
and more....
$20 for Dotcon members & pre-registered congers by Oct 31st
$30 General Sale / At The Door
Online via Paypal at:
J-rock North Promotions Inc. Want Tickets
Also At:
One Miliion Comix
At-the-door entry is not guaranteed. Come early.