Jul 12, 2004 15:10
Hmmmm not much going on here, but I'm bored so I figured I'd update. Friday me and the gang treked out to NJ to see Brian Kirk and the Jerks....now, for whatever reason before this incident I hated them. We took 2 cars because there was 6 of us. Stormy Kathy and Jeff rode in Stormy's car and me Maureen and her out-of-town friend Johnna (sp?) were in Maureen's car. Well for whatever reason the directions toward the end of the mapquest thingy were strange, and we kinda got confused. I spotted the place though go me. Stormy however blew right past it. So we went inside and waited for them....they hadda turn around and junk. So we kinda just chilled a bit. It was kinda funny cause there was no stage whatsoever for them to play on they kinda just had a corner. I wasn't feelin the way the bar was set up. One of those bars where the actual bar is centrally/awkwardly located smack dab in the middle of the building. Leaving only maybe an 8 foot space between the wall and bar. Doesn't make for good fun if you sit at the bar cause people are constantly bumpin into you. Sidenote: the bathrooms rocked, they were real clean and junk. So the others finally showed up and the festivities began. By the end of the night I was kinda diggin the band. Of course what night of drinking could go without a drunken call to my mom. We had Brian (lead singer) call her and that was kinda funny. We stayed for a bunch of time after and talked to the band. Great bunch of guys, I guess I said some crazy stuff though, about them being my new second fav local band lol. Way to stick your foot in your mouth Beck, yeah I know. So on the way back I rode with Stormy, the rest rode in Maureen's car. Me and Stormy had to pee so we kept getting off at random exits trying to find a non-scary place in NJ to go pee. Finally found a decent gas station did our thing, and made the rest of the trek home. Got back and the others were at a diner so me and Storm crashed in her car for a lil bit til they got back. I stayed at Maureen's, didn't get to sleep til about 5 and got up at 8 when Maureen took her car to get inspected. I forgot to mention that I stayed up all night Thursday talkin to Brian again so I don't even know how long I had been up at that point. Came home and crashed the fuck out. Jen came over Sat night and we watched IT. Well most of it anyway, we both fell asleep. Uh....oh yeah also went to my dad's Sat, that was good stuff. So my sleeping is still fucked in the head, what can I do though. That's right absolutely nothing. I guess I should be doing something productive like looking for a job or watching a Lifetime movie....yeah I think I'll do that....hehe tata for now.