Title: We Know By Now To Say Enough (18/21?)
Characters/Pairings: Puck/Quinn [mostly friendship]
Rating: T/PG-13
Disclaimer: The title/lyrics used are from the song “The Secret’s In The Telling” by Dashboard Confessional.
Summary: Missing moments between Puck and Quinn during season two.
"What the hell is this, dude? 'What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret moonlight motel rendezvous with another big-lipped blondie?'"
It was really only a matter of time until this was brought under scrutiny.
She quickly shoots a panicked glance towards Kurt, whose eyes are widened in realization.
She gives New Directions about a week until they either give up, or force Sam to spell it out for them. And on behalf of New Directions, she hopes it's the former because if Sam is backed into a corner on this, she'll lose whatever respect she has for these people.
From Noah Puckerman:
Did you stop to think that maybe getting between two football players about to duke it out is a bad idea?
From Quinn:
They never would've seriously thrown a punch if I were there. Come on, Puckerman.
From Noah Puckerman:
Still didn't like it.
From Quinn:
You're not really in a position to say stuff like that.
From Noah Puckerman:
Friends can totally look out for each other.
She doesn't point out that when he gets like that, they both tend to forget the boundaries they set in place for each other.
From Noah Puckerman:
How much do you want to bet that Rachel is going to sing "Go Your Own Way."
From Quinn:
No point in betting on it - it's an inevitability.
From Quinn:
I know we did it better than she ever could though.
From Noah Puckerman:
From Noah Puckerman:
Although I do like this week's assignment. Grew up listening to Rumours.
From Quinn:
So did I! Favorite song?
From Noah Puckerman:
"Never Going Back Again" - the guitars in that made me want to learn how to play. Yours?
From Quinn:
"The Chain" - it was the only song they were all credited on. It shows.
From Noah Puckerman:
You gonna sing that?
From Quinn:
Maybe. I'm thinking about it. Finn and I were talking about doing a duet sometime.
From Noah Puckerman:
Well as long as it's not "Go Your Own Way," then cool.
From Quinn:
Definitely not. OK, I have to go work out, but make sure your phone is charged for tomorrow so I can text you during English. This sub is killing me.
From Noah Puckerman:
No problem.
From AA:
I know what song i wanna do - never going back again. Do u know it?
From Puck:
Yea - I'll get finn & sam in on it.
From Artie:
Thanks bro.
From Noah Puckerman:
What the hell did you mean by Sam's not gay.
From Quinn:
It means exactly what it means.
From Noah Puckerman:
You totally know what's going on with Sam - why won't you tell me.
From Quinn:
It doesn't matter if I do or don't - leave it alone.
From Noah Puckerman:
You're not fooling around with him are you.
From Quinn:
Are you kidding me, Noah?
From Noah Puckerman:
Well if the shoe fits.
He regrets the text as soon as he sends it.
From Quinn:
Fuck you.
Definitely well deserved.
From Noah Puckerman:
Quinn, stop ignoring my calls. I'm sorry, okay? I just don't want you to get hurt.
Saved Drafts (1)
It wouldn't surprise anyone if you cheated again, is all I'm saying. But you're so much better than that.
He knows sending that text will ruin whatever he has with Quinn.
What the hell is Finn doing with Rachel? Stake-outs? Who actually does that? It's getting harder and harder for Quinn to ignore the glaringly obvious signs. Can't Finn do her the courtesy of being discreet?
And even though she's currently ignoring Puckerman, she understands where he's coming from - why wouldn't she cheat again? She always does. But is it so absurd to want to grow up and not cheat? She has enough problems with her and Finn's relationship - the last thing she needs is her focus distracted from him so she can fool around with another guy.
Seething, she tells him the song they're going to sing together and they go to his house to practice.
"Hello Quinn, will you be staying for dinner?" Carole inquires, a coolness to her voice that's always there whenever speaking with Quinn.
Quinn does her best to smile nicely. "No thank you, Mrs. Hud…Hummel. I should be heading home now."
"Okay, then. Finn, would you mind helping Burt set the table?"
Quinn pecks Finn on the cheek, unable to bring herself to touch his mouth, the one that conversed with Rachel as they spied on her.
As she's strapping on her shoes in the foyer, a pair of stylish boots come into her vision.
"You guys sounded lovely," Kurt says as she straightens herself out.
He quickly glances behind him to make sure Finn isn't visible. "I can't visit Sam tonight - Finn's been watching me like a hawk and gets annoying if I go out alone. Can you go into my car before you leave to take out the cooler and give it to Sam?"
"Yeah, of course," she says, looking over Kurt's shoulder to make sure. "I can't watch Stevie and Stacy this Sunday - church brunch with the faculty. Can you?"
"Can't - family brunch. I could get Blaine to do it, though."
"Kurt, dinner's ready!" Burt calls from the kitchen.
"Coming!" Kurt opens the door for Quinn. "See you tomorrow," he says at a normal volume.
"See you."
She picks "I Don't Want To Know" because it's the only quasi-positive love song on the album. But the way they're looking at each other and dancing around one another, you'd think they were singing a hate-song.
"I love being here and I want to win, but my relationship comes first. Sorry, but Finn, if you want to be with me…no more songs with her."
Extreme? Probably? Necessary? She thinks so. Especially with Rachel Berry clearly not giving a shit about relationship boundaries. Who does she think she is? Quinn does not care if Rachel loves Finn or even if Finn still has feelings for Rachel. The bottom line is that Finn and Quinn are in a relationship and Rachel needs to learn her place and back off.
And obviously, she can't do that if she's to sing songs with Finn, so really, Quinn is setting the boundaries for her since she seems incapable of realizing them herself.
She walks out of the choir room with a "fuck you" in her strut.
Puck gets where Quinn is coming from, he really does; he knows how assertive and single-minded Rachel is, but she's coming off as a tad psychotic now.
"She's just coming off as this villain, y'know?" he explains to Lauren as they're eating lunch in the courtyard, since the weather is nice. "And it's not fair, especially with all the shit she went through and is putting up with."
Lauren nods, chewing on her sandwich. "It wouldn't surprise me if she became a serial killer."
"And she won't talk to me. I've been apologizing for days and still nothing."
Lauren sighs, placing a heavy hand on Puck's shoulder. "Look, you're punched a nerve and she's pissed since you're supposed to be 'non-judging.' Just let her cool off. She's stressed with her failure of a relationship."
He nods - no point in denying that.
"Right, okay. I'll just back off. No problem."
Well, that's the mature thing to do, certainly. But Puck has never been the one to take the mature, easy route.
From Ugh Rachel Berry:
I need your help with my song for this week's glee club assignment.
From Noah Puckerman:
Depends on the song.
From Ugh Rachel Berry:
"Go Your Own Way" - can you play it on guitar.
From Noah Puckerman:
No prob.
From Noah Puckerman:
Actually, I can get finn 4 drums. He knows it.
From Ugh Rachel Berry:
Perfect!! Thanks, Noah! :)
He's pretty sure this is going to get him a swift kick to the balls, but maybe this will be good for Quinn, to force her into seeing that there's really no point to her relationship with Finn. Nobody takes it seriously, anyway.
Lauren sends Puck knowing smirks and Puck focuses on Quinn's face and the way it alternates from confusion to devastation to annoyance to rage.
Everything comes to a head after the song ends, Puck verbally accosting Sam before Sam finally tells the truth.
And when Sam storms out of the room and Quinn is looking down at her hands with barely contained anger, Puck's never felt like more of an asshole.
Quinn tries to slam her front door shut, but Puck's wearing his old construction boots so he keeps the door open.
"Come on, Quinn. I'm sorry about everything. I was a douche bag. I'm sorry. You really can't blame me or Finn for thinking that about you. I know you're better than that, please."
She clenches her jaw and rests her forehead on the door for a few moments. She's not stupid - of course she gets the lack of trust from Finn and from everyone else in the glee club.
"I just thought you of all people would believe me," she whispers.
She hears what she assumes is his head hitting the other side of the door. "I'm sorry."
What else can he say to that? And she can't hold it against him forever.
Sometimes she wishes she could tell her past to fuck off.
From Noah Puckerman:
Does it hurt?
From Quinn:
From Noah Puckerman:
Babysitting Sam's siblings. His sister.
From Quinn:
From Noah Puckerman:
She kind of looks like you.
From Noah Puckerman:
I know it's just the blonde hair, but it kind of freaked me out earlier, you know?
From Quinn:
I get it.
From Quinn:
I'm going to watch them again next week - would you want to join me?
From Noah Puckerman:
I can't.
She knows he doesn't mean that his schedule's too busy to do it. Just as well - babysitting with him would probably bring up memories and old feelings that should stay away, especially now since prom is just around the corner.
She can practically feel the tiara on her head already.
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