glee_besties is now a legitimate community and if you are sick of ship wars and wank and everything else that sucks in fandom, please join! ALL YOU NEED IS PLATONIC LOVE.
firstbreaths and I are still working on the layout and profile, but we're hoping to promote soon once some lovely people make promo banners for us =)
I was supposed to be writing last night but instead I d/l the GQ behind the scenes video and made icons. looool. IDEC I love them <3 I say that like I'm not still doing it. lol. FUCKING DARREN I SWEAR.
DON'T WORRY - THAT'S AN ACCEPTABLE WAY TO PASS THE TIME. I swear tho I have like ADD when it comes to fics now. It's so bad. Especially since I have two Blaine BB to work on D:
IFKR? I have over twelve WIP's in my word docs not including the poor neglected st_awesome stuff. And I just keep starting more. And then being like, Lol no don't wanna write that. Whoops.
See! that's why I can't commit myself to deadlines because I fail at motivating myself until like.. two days before they're due and then I'm like, OH SH---, and kill myself finishing them. lol.
Yeah, I'm scared out of my wits. It helps that one of the fics is a joint project, so that's a good motivator. The other one will just suffer until the last minute, I bet.
Yay <3 That is one of the perks of co-writing I suppose, it definitely motivates you to not let the team down. But yeah, lol, you crazy~~ I still can't believe you took on two Big Bangs at the same time. But also? Awesome.
ME NEITHER. The solo fic was so fucking last minute, I can't even. I was all: I'm so scared to commit to one by myself let me co-write one. Then a day before the deadline: I REALLY NEED TO WRITE AN EPIC BLAINE FRIENDSHIP FIC, I'M USING THE BLAINE BB TO DO IT.
IT'S BECAUSE BLAINE JUST WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE SO BADLY, OKAY? lol. I love when that happens and then you realize what you've just done to yourself and are like, Oh..
Yup. After I posted my comment signing up, I just said to myself: ...shit. OH WELL.
It's fun! And because I can't write dialogue to save my life.
Somewhat OT - If you guys end up setting up a prompt post for glee_besties I'd be happy to do the delicious bookmarks for it if you want. Almost all caught up with the one for k_b and I need a new project. :)
O_O I DIDN'T KNOW THIS EXISTED! I don't really hang around k_b that much, but holy shit crackers, this is AMAZING. I would be so, so appreciative if you were to do that for us!!!
Been working on it (with a lot of help) for a bit. There are actually a lot of friendship-type prompts mixed in with the requests for angst, creature fic, and porn which pleases me.
Question for ya, would a prompt like this be considered too shippy?
Carole needs a great fic presence, seriously.
Saw this on tumblr and immediately thought of you:
I need to find the original source for it so I can beg the creator to let me make an icon.
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