Title: We Know By Now To Say Enough (6/?)
Rating: T/PG-13
Disclaimer: The title/lyrics used are from the song “The Secret’s In The Telling” by Dashboard Confessional.
Summary: Missing moments between Puck and Quinn during season two.
They’re waiting in line at Taco Bell, the glee club almost out the door. Quinn and Puck are near the end of the line while Sam is saving a few tables with Artie.
“Nice song choice,” Quinn murmurs.
“I know, right? Thought you’d appreciate it.”
“Although I was not okay with the censoring.”
Puck tries to keep his laughter at bay. “Last week I was dying, but I thought doing the censored version would convince Mr. Schue to do it,” Puck admits, “The whole awesome point of the song is that it’s called ‘Fuck You.’”
“I’ll be playing the original version in my car later,” she tells him.
He smiles rather fondly for a second until he’s up to order.
From Quinn:
Athlete’s foot spray? Really?
From Noah Puckerman:
No need to buy mace.
From Quinn:
I’d rather be caught buying mace than athlete’s foot spray.
From Noah Puckerman:
Well, while you’re out on the run as an attacker chases after you, you now know you have the option of spraying athlete’s foot spray in his face to debilitate him.
From Quinn:
First off, nice vocab word. And seriously? I doubt that your testing out athlete’s foot spray in people’s eyes stemmed from an honorable place.
From Noah Puckerman:
It’s like that Italian dude said: the end justifies the means.
From Quinn:
From Noah Puckerman:
You would know.
From Quinn:
Yeah, because I actually do my homework.
From Noah Puckerman:
I’ll have you know that I do my homework now. And I was alluding to your scheming ways.
From Noah Puckerman:
Yeah, that’s right. Ignore that text because I was so right.
From Noah Puckerman:
Getting rid of the tots? Not cool.
From Quinn:
Hey, Coach’s commands. I have to follow them.
From Noah Puckerman:
From Quinn:
An emoticon? Grow up.
From Noah Puckerman:
From Noah Puckerman:
I can’t believe you managed to not go crazy when that Kanye West song came on during gangster-rap musical chairs.
From Quinn:
I’m making up for it later.
From Noah Puckerman:
I bet you are. Hey, I got Kid Cudi for you.
From Quinn:
THANK YOU. Drop it off in my locker later.
From Quinn:
You forgot to take your money.
From Noah Puckerman:
No I didn’t.
From Quinn:
Don’t play that game - I don’t want you paying for my music.
From Noah Puckerman:
You got that ointment for me - consider us even.
From Quinn:
From Quinn:
Please tell me you were laughing at the height difference between Holliday and Berry.
From Noah Puckerman:
Like you wouldn’t believe.
From Quinn:
You only miss the sub because she was hot.
From Noah Puckerman:
That may be true, but she’s not the hottest blonde I know.
She stares at his text with a hint of a blush on her cheeks, ultimately deciding to not respond to it. Besides, she’s kind of dating Sam and she doubts he would appreciate another guy hitting on her.
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