is it only monday??

Feb 09, 2010 00:48

boy, it feels like it should be a thursday or something, because today has just been one of the busiest days ever.

it started pretty normally with work, then after lunch the bigger little sis called to say that the parents were off to the hospital. luckily work's pretty manageable and i was more than happy to drop everything and leave, so i took a bus down to the clinic, spent 30mins with the hubs, then drove home otherwise she would have had to look after both S and E by herself! i managed to squeeze in a little nap with E, who slept for almost 3 hours, and then shortly after the parents came home (thankfully it was less serious than they had imagined at first), cooked dinner and fed E, had him bathed, then we braved peak hour traffic to pick the hubs up.

then we headed to the new place for a short recce, where E asked me to sweep up the floor because it was messy-messy, so i had to do some obligatory sweeping, even though we're in the midst of renovations. after that it was a quick dinner at macs, and a shower and conference call for me while we had some friends over to give E his birthday gift. they hung around for a while, and i only managed to get E into bed close to 1130!! but he enjoyed all the attention and i was grateful for the diversion while i was on the call.

plus it's his birthday today, so i guess we weren't too strict about having him in bed too early.

while perhaps too much drama each day might be overkill, it's nice to feel like you've achieved so much in a day! if only i can squeeze in more time for sleeping...


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