Oct 04, 2007 22:15
I can't believe that is has been so long since I posted here. I know I am a loser.....Life is moving along here in Georgia. The kids are growing like weeds. K will be in middle school next year!! Where has the time gone? Noah is playing every sport out there...he is quite the little athlete.
We are still living with my dad...Believe me, nobody knows how much that sucks more than I do. But, until I win the lottery, it looks like I am stuck.
I start college in November! I am planning to get my B.S in Education. I will drive to South Carolina once a week and then participate in a study group once a week. I am really nervous about it, but I am ready to go! Who knew that a divorce and two kids would allow you to get an assload of financial aid?!?!
Miss you guys! Hope all is well. :) Love ya.