Nov 21, 2004 18:17
Random Questions List nabbed from darkling_thrush:
-- your heritage: all dull uniteresting English me thinks
-- the shoes you wore today: flat black work shoes (I hate flats sometimes, high heels are soo much better)
-- your hair: brown
-- your eyes: hazel (yes that dull cop-out of a colour that is really neither green nor brown)
-- your fears: failing, loneliness and depression, losing any of my friends, conforming
-- your perfect pizza: ham and pineapple-pure and simple
what is
-- your most overused phrase: 'good good', 'indeed', 'monumentally screwed', 'whoopdy-friggin-doo'
-- your thoughts first waking up: 'oh fuck'
-- the first aspect of the opposite sex that you notice: Don't have a clue, at the moment with the ones my own age, it would be their vile taste in clothes, acne and lack of charm
-- your best physical feature: Don't know, am pretty sure I aint got any at all
-- your bedtime: 10:30-11.00 on a school night
you prefer
-- McDonald’s or burger king: McDonalds I'm ashamed to say
-- single or group dates: single, I guess
-- Adidas or Nike: neither
-- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: neither
-- cappuccino or coffee: ugh neither
-- boxers or briefs: boxers I suppose
do you
-- smoke: nope, never will either
-- sing well: nope, I am very shit
-- take a shower everyday: yep mostly
-- want to go to college: definitely, and by college I'm meaning university
-- like high school: ever since Year Ten I have really loved it, the other two earliest years were utter hell
-- want to get married: don't mind
-- type w/ your fingers on the right keys: don't know, probably not
-- believe in yourself: not always, alright, 85% of the time I don't
-- get motion sickness: nope
-- think you’re attractive: I'm okay I guess, if this had been asked a few years ago, the answer woulda been 'are you kidding?! I'm so ugly'
-- think you’re a health freak: nope
-- get along with your parents: always
-- like thunderstorms: yes
-- play an instrument: used to play piano and for a few months in primary school, violin too
in the past month, did/have you
-- done a drug: prescribed only
-- gone to the mall?: no, there aren't any in the UK but I have of course been shopping
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: no but I bet I could
-- eaten sushi: erm, no and probably never will
-- been on stage: yes, quite a few times in stage school
-- been dumped: no
-- gone skating: yep, but mostly of the ice kind
-- made homemade cookies: no, if I had, they woulda been confiscated by the Health Hazard team
-- gone skinny dipping: No way
-- dyed your hair: only about twice, both times just a wee bit more brown and red
-- stolen anything: no
have you ever
-- played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: no
-- been caught "doing something"?: no
-- gotten beaten up?: no
-- shoplifted?: No
-- if so, did you get caught?:
-- changed who you were to fit in?: only a few times but no way nowadays
-- age you hope to be married?: late 20's, early 30's, don't really mind but just youngish enough to have lots of fun
-- numbers and names of children?: Claudia, Katharine, Isabella, Sophia, Anjelica
-- describe your dream wedding?: stunning, perfect elegant gown, maybe a summer's day, family and friends, possibly in Ireland or Scotland, a castle or church or stately home, Motown music, fun, romance etc..
-- how do you want to die?: old, still with my faculties, family around me, after I've achieved many great things and fortune and remembered by many many people
-- where you want to go to college?: unrealistic dream= Oxford or somewhere in the US (ivy league maybe), Nottingham, St Andrews
-- what do you want to be when you grow up? don't know, somethin to do with writing/English, fashion, movies....
-- drugs taken illegally: nope
-- cds that I own: too many to name but they are eclectic and great
-- piercing: Ears
-- tattoos: none
-- scars on my body: none I think
-- things in my past that I regret: erm, taking my dad's side in the divorce, not sticking up for myself many times, going through depression in pretty much silence
yes or no
-- you keep a diary: only this weird and wunnerful LJ
-- you like to cook: no, cant and won't
-- you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: I'm not sure, probably
-- you fold your underwear: yes
-- you talk in your sleep: no, not to my knowledge
-- you set your watch a few minutes ahead: no, not on purpose anyhow
-- you bite your fingernails: no, not anymore (*happy proud dance*)
-- you believe in love: yes
x. movie you watched = The Philadelphia Story
x. song you listened to = Jeff Buckley 'Grace'
x. song you’ve downloaded = Megan Mullally 'Ruby's Arms'
x. cd you bought = Tori Amos 'Tales of a Librarian'
x. person you’ve called = Chloe
x. person that’s called you = can't remember, no one really does and I am more than fine about that
x. tv show you’ve watched = West Wing
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = yes constantly, in New York or around there anyway, Washington DC, almost anywhere on the east coast, or California if all else failed
x. you think about suicide = no
x. you believe in online dating = don't know
x. others find you attractive = I wouldn't hve a clue but I'd say nope
x. you want more piercings = no
x. you want more tattoos = no way
x. you drink = hardly ever at all
x. you do drugs = No
x. you smoke = No
x. you like cleaning = erm, yes
x. you like roller coasters = sometimes, once I get the courage up to go on 'em
x. you write in cursive or print = neat cursive handwriting with fountain pen
x. do you carry a donor card = no
have you
x. ever cried over a girl = Yes
x. ever cried over a boy = No
x. ever lied to someone = yes
x. ever been in a fist fight = nope, but occasionally want to
x. ever been arrested = Nope, I'm a wee angel
There y'all go, little interesting tidbits about me.