WTF mate?!? I know we're all about the fucked up weather here in Hali and I love the occasional snow day, but this is getting out of hand. There are other places that probably need snow. We are quite sufficient as of now. If my English exam has to get bumped up....well, you get the idea.
It's cold out. I don't recommend any of you go out unless you have to. It's that kind of cold that as soon as you suck in the first breath, you've got to cough it out because it just burns your lungs. Or maybe that’s just me…
Last night was really fun. It was definitely highlight of my weekend. I was invited to dinner at the Carey house. Hitched a ride out with Graham’s dad, took forever in traffic, talked about stuff like high school and crappy NS weather. Saw the house, which I like. It’s nicely sized, not too big or small and in a pretty area, even if it is the boonies. Met the dogs and siblings, talked to his mom about riding and had a good dinner and semi-good apple crisp (it wasn’t bad, I’m just used to a very high standard). I liked talking to his mom about riding. It’s nice to meet fellow horse-lovers and confuse everyone around you with equine talk.
So we ate and then attempted to study. Why I even thought we’d get any work done is still a mystery to me. Plus, math and chem aren’t exactly things you can bounce off one another. So at 8:00 we gave up and watched Garden State. God I love that movie. It’s even better the second time, even though I think I fell asleep near the end (I was so comfortable dammit). It was a great luxury to have some alone time since we, well, met. I don’t remember when dad came and got me, 11ish? Sigh. At least this week will go quickly.
I woke up at 8:30 which was irritating. My body was tired but my brain was completely wired. Consequently I feel like passing out right about now. Or just curling into a ball and sleeping. Stupid brain, why can’t you do something useful for a change?
I want more icon space. *pouts*.
Got 100% on my Sarah McLachlan presentation (score!) and got through it with only one major screw up. Damn Andrew Marchand’s name being the only Marchand I’ve ever heard of. At least it was a funny screw up, sadly not many people witnessed it. At least half the class had gone home since it was last period. Damn you people, just because English class has become a complete joke doesn’t mean you get to leave!
Looked at getting new frames today a Superstore. There’s a pair of really nice turquoise green cat-eyeish ones that I like. Problem is my parents are super cheap. But I really want them and they’re cheaper then most frames and I haven’t gotten a new pair in 5 years and I play with them every day, please please please??
You guys are going to laugh your asses off at this:
Jesus Christ! Super-Store? Now I have to go study.
Try to study…
Think about studying?