Well, there is nearly one week since i moved to the new house and after that time of doing things for the house it isn’t finished yet…even a half is finished, everything looks like a post nuclear area, even sometimes I saw people testing radiation in my living room.
I don’t have any place to put on my clothes, well I have a room with million boxes and bed on the floor with my dresses on it, I called it the Chernobyl room, I don’t know where are all my shoes and socks… I don’t know where everything is.
And the worst thing is that I don’t have time for do anything, I have to leave home for job at 10:30 AM and im back at 9:30 PM (from Monday to Saturday), so I have two options if I want to do something:
a. Wake up at 5 am
b. Go to sleep at 5 am
Now did you understand why I don’t do anything? These options are not options!!!!
I hope to finish this weekend the living room, but I don’t believe too much in it because I have to repaint it again…I bought a paint thinking it was grey but when the paint was tried it turned to blue, and blue doesn’t match with the painted paper I bought.
Now im going to post random pictures that doesnt have any relationship with my entry. First one is my cat! Finally i took her a picture while she was platings:
She is so hairy and black! like norwegian black metal, im pretty sure it is her favorite music.
Another pic is from belladonawachuwachuwa and me, its from 2 weeks ago..We went to a burlesque or something party, it was a great show with the most exiting band playing live and lot of pinup girls dacing around naked, after the show we danced a while rock & roll and swing...Can you imagine these? Yes...its really weird...
And now three pictures of my job outfits
Wednesday blue
Tuesday pinkxblack
Today cherry theme.
Yesterday something funny happened to me...There was two little boys playing on the street when i went outside the shop for smoke and do a bit of nothing...We started to talk and they made me the typical questions that kids always do...like how old are you, when you will have holydays,,,And suddenly one of them ask me: Why you are always dressing that way? I was surprised with that question and i was going to answer when the other kid said: Do you are stupid??She is dressing that way because she works in this shop and she has to match with the shop!!!!
I spent almos 10 minutes laughting about it...