sorry for all the surveys lately, i'm just bored..
oh yeah, i saw spiderman 2 tonight with jenny and jarrod and my dad. it was great. i didn't want to even see the first movie, but this one was much better in my opinion. go see it! even if you don't want to
When you are bored doesn't it seem like everyone else is too?:no, they are usually gone doing something when i get bored.. that's why i'm bored, nobody's around Do songs make you cry? If so, which ones?:not usually, i guess a song has probably made me cry before, but i am a pathetic crybaby anyway.. probably a stupid love song about being alone forever and ever amen When you sneeze why do you close your eyes?:to keep boogers from flying into my eyeballs Seriously, why would a chicken be by a road to cross it anyways?:because they get out of the pen and run wild throughout the countryside crossing roads willy nilly Can cows drink milk through their own utters?:no, cows don't drink milk from their own udders, that's preposterous. Why are the letters on a keyboard in that order?:cause A,B,C,D.. just didn't cut it Who do you think the hottest person of all time is?:it's a secret ^.^ well also Colin Firth and Jeremy Northam of courseWhat do you think heaven is like?:a lot better than here! Why is swearing so fun?:it's not That fun.. Why is the food that is the worst for you so good?:because we always want what we can't have Why did Eve have to take that damn apple!?!?:technically, it was just generic "fruit" but still.. because we always want what we can't have It's fun to read other people's journal's...isn't it?:unless they're morons Would you ever for the President of the United States?:would i ever what? Can you speak another language? If so, which one?:i can say a couple of words in spanish Do you like Harry Potter? Cuz, I sure as hell do!:it's alright, but i'm not all obsessed like that girl at the movie theater dressed up in a cape
15 Questions for Bored people! brought to you by