Casse is my Hero.

Apr 06, 2005 23:47

Yesterday I got a call from Donna, the manager of American Eagle at home, saying she wants me to come in for an interview when I come home in 2 weeks. I could not be happier. I really am looking forward to this, and am actually getting very good vibes about it. I think everything happens for a reason. The twist in the story is that 2 days ago Casse went in there and was talking to Donna about who knows what (we all know Cas will talk to pretty much ANYONE) and happened to mention that I applied for a job there. Interesting point here is that Donna never received my application. Long story short, Casse found my app. and saved the day. Yay! So now, thanks to Casse, I could be a future employee of AE!! WOO WOO.

List of events of today:
-3 classes: Liberal Arts, Life Science Lab, Speech. fun.
-2 Naps...1-1:45 and 3:30-5:30. haha.
-Ate dinner at Cici's w/Gianna. We definitely took advantage of the "All-You-Can-Eat" slogan.
-Trip to B & N. Had to catch up on the latest celeb drama

Now that it's midnight, getting ready to do HW. Wednesday's are always busy because I spend most of my day in class. The countdown to summer is now 14 days. Two weeks, guys! Can't wait...

"Codi, this movie's foul and rude and offensive, but it's worth it for the guys." -Gianna, while watching the movie The HILLZ (yes, with a "Z") starring the lovely Paris Hilton.
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