Jan 01, 2002 18:17
Doesn't feel like a new year. Hmmm....Whats up with that? This year has already started filling up with death and hate. Feels like the same ol' shite to me. Gawd. If only things could be different for my family.
I went to Georgette's house today. Rene was being an arse, as usual. He hates me. I seriously want to know the hell WHY!? Gawd. I was about to freeze. We went to the school and hung out at the playground (Yes, we rock). I was getting annoyed by Rene. Oh well. Went back to G's and just hung out. Michele & Chase came to pick me up.
We dropped Michele off at the store to get some stuff. While Chase and I were in the car we talked a bit...
Me: Wanna beat someone up?
Chase: Who?
Me: Rene, he's a jerk. He's in 9th grade and is only 8 days older than me. He keeps calling me fat and stuff like that
Chase: Well, next time you talk to him tell him to watch out for your bit brother
Me: But he knows I don't have any brothers
Chase: I'm closer than he thinks.
I love Chase. He kicks monkeys!!! LOL!