Jun 26, 2004 15:08
how honest is too honest? i think i have a tendency to put myself out there too much. a lot of people have a secret life (or two or three...), but i feel like everyone (meaning anyone who cares to and some that don't) can know anything they want about my life. is that wrong? strange?
i've grown dependent on people being dependent on me. before katie came when i was 'alone' in chicago while everyone else was working, i didn't know what to do with myself. no one needed my help, my advice, my attention, my car, my approval...and it was really unsettling for some reason. i guess i've just gotten used to people relying on me for a lot of things and get somewhat lonely when they don't.
tomorrow it is off to LA. if anyone has any has any on the road advice, shoot it my way. hank said we have to hit up this bar on the border of alabama and ???, and patick raves about the tofu mushroom burger at taco fresco in the OC. itinerary: LA (and San Diego, etc.), las vegas, phoenix, albuquerque, san antonio, houston, austin, new orleans, nashville, atlanta, orlando, miami, key west, savannah, charleston, DC, philadelphia, NYC. whew.