(no subject)

Sep 08, 2004 20:07

greetings! sorry I've been such a delinquint about posting and all but life is hectic. Anyway, Hopkins is wonderful! It is nothing that I ever expected and more. I've only met a couple of throaties so far, all you have to do is stay away from the super intense asian pre-med kids. I do have a lot of engineers on my floor though and they're surprisingly radically cool. However T, I will have to disagree with you on the cuteness factor (mmm except for two exceptions). I do happen to live next to the all guys hallway so all of my closet friends so far are mainly guys and we stay up way to late being way too four-year-old-ish. Classes are pretty good, I'm going to drop my spanish class though and take French cause i miss my language of choice. In other news, I'm an athlete!!! I joined the crew team and it ROCKS! I love it. We practice every day from 4:30 to 6 and it's super hardcore but going really well. We get out in a boat for the first time on saturday (at 7am, yummy). I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to cox (the short person stearing in the back) or row. I like both. There are so many stories and stuff, but not really enough time. Tonight i'm writing a memoir for my creative writing class, and then going to place John Kerry signs all over campus with the Dems in preperation for Wesley Clark tomorrow :) :)
Anyways, I miss you all! I hope you're having fantastic journeys and adventures in college, that you're learning that dirty frat's basements are super sketchy on saturday nights and to use a condom (omg they're everywhere here!!! Like in every corner of every building and hallway)

lots of love!!!
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