Oh, parles-tu française?

Mar 23, 2010 15:18

Tuesdays are my absolute worst days of class. I have to get up at 8, but for the four nights beforehand I get into the habit of staying up late and getting up in the afternoon, so even though I put myself in bed at 10:00 Monday nights it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to fall asleep before 1am. This morning I woke up when my alarm went off, then decided it would be okay to go back to sleep just 10 more minutes...and then had a dream* that my alarm had gone off an hour early so I reset it and could sleep until it went off again. WRONG. I woke up in a panic 5 minutes before class started and rushed over so I wouldn't be late for the test we had =_= Then until noon I have class with one of the most obnoxious teachers ever, then I have a two hour break, then my Simulation Globale class which is fun but by the third straight hour I am ready to fling myself from the window, and THEN we have to trek up the hill for a big lecture hall class until 6:30. Dear. God. Literally the only reason I even ever go to my lecture is because Lin Meng and Xiao and Dan (my new chinese friend!! she is beeyoonddd cute, as usual haha) are in it, and it's the only time I get to see them (darn adorable chinese girls, keeping me honest! haha).

*Before that I had a dream that I went to Baby in Paris, only the store was kind of lame. They were having a sale and tons of the Chinese girls from my class were buying parasols, but I didn't really want one. I was dressed in himegyaru fashion, too, instead of lolita. I had a gift certificate so I ended up getting a pen.

I woke up for a few moments and fell back asleep again, and then I dreamt that my sister and I were out in the forest somewhere with a bunch of other people, doing something, when all of a sudden we were attacked by this giant fire demon thing. We start running and for some reason she's carrying me, I think because I had hurt my leg or something. I'm like, this is stupid, let me down, and we continue in that excruciatingly slow dream-run as the flames are licking at our heels. We finally end up at the edge of the forest and there's Lake Bomoseen ahead of us (where my family has a cabin in southern Vermont), so we literally slide down the stairs on our butts in our haste, and hunker down in the water to escape. Somehow my friend Sarah's little sister Hope ends up with us, and the three of us are clutching each other and scared out of our wits. Then the demon thing finds us and it's kind of like a cross between the Eye of Sauron and a Ring Wraith-type thing in the center, and we realize that everyone else has been burnt up. It sort of laughs at our pathetic attempt to escape and is like, I'm going to get you anyway, you'll have better luck trying to run away on land. We are paralyzed with fear at this point so even though we know it's toying with us we sort of drag ourselves out of the water and get ready to run. Hope turns into Alyssa, a girl that lived in my neighborhood and was friends with my sister when we were about 10 and 6, and starts heading for the trees again. I realize suddenly that this is a dream, and that I can wake up and everything will be okay, but I don't want to leave my sister. I turn to her and tell her what I'm going to do, and I promise that I'll only be gone for a moment, that I'll wake her up as soon as I'm back so she can escape with me, and force myself awake. Then I realize that I'm in France, she's on another continent, and there's nothing I can do. I felt really bad and still scared, actually. I facebooked her this morning as soon as I had my break to make sure she made it out okay :/

There were some upticks today, though...I walked to our second half of class with Ryo (the Japanese student, who's trying to become a fashion designer and who I've talked to about lolita a little...but I originally had to say "gosurori" in my absolute best attempt at a Japanese accent before he understood what I meant haha. He sometimes does visual kei and knows lolita exists, but that's about it), and we were talking about what we were doing this weekend, and I told him that there was a lolita meetup in Paris I was going to XD He said he wanted pictures heehee.

In my Simulation Globale class where we pretend to be someone else, I got to practice asking questions in the inversion because it's the most polite form...as in, "Va-t-elle arriver?" instead of "Est-ce qu'elle va arriver?" which is actually fun when you realize what you're doing, and just sounds so much prettier and more intelligent.

Then I had a huge long and involved discussion with my NICE French teacher during our break about the difference between the verbs embarasser, gêner, and troubler. I love sitting down and really reaching full comprehension about all the implications and subtext of words. (For those interested, embarasser is NOT equivalent to the English embarrass. It technically can be used in that context, but it's more mild, and mostly it's more like...to be bothered by something. The teacher used an example of being bothered by someone's outrageous outfit, or if someone was sitting too close to you. The verb gêner is the one to use for being embarrassed strongly, but it can also have a sense of being disrupted or troubled by something. The French often say "Si ça ne te gêne pas..." as in...if it doesn't bother you, would you mind doing this or that? Or something like, "this mess is troubling me, I can't work like this." And troubler is the same as both the verbs, but without the sense of shame or embarrassment, and also equivalent to our verb to trouble/bother)

Unfortunately Xiao or Dan wasn't in lecture today, it was just Lin Meng, but we conversed happily anyway. On the way back from class, she was talking about the cute bunnies that live on campus, and I was like, "Yeah! I've seen them! One night my friends and I were coming home at like 6 in the morning..." and she goes "Eh?!" in surprise. I mix up my pronouns and instead of saying "we," I respond, "Oui, ils sont allés à la discothèque"


"The bunnies went to the dance club" XDDD

Neither of us caught it, and then later, when I was walking into my dorm, I had a quick giggle to myself at how ridiculous yet adorable that sounded X3 Next time we go to the club, I'm bringing along some bunnies >w< bien sûr~!!

dreams, french classes

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