(no subject)

Dec 06, 2009 15:06

Speaking of loltia memes!!! So I remembered that within the first few months of discovering lolita, I also found another lolita meme....after some reconassiance work with Hannah, she found it in her old emails.

(I answered the questions again underneath each question heehee)

When did you first see lolita fashion?
I have no idea...it was sometime early this summer when I was looking at cosplay pictures, trying to figure out how to do my costumes...not sure when I first came across it, though.
*Yeah, still the same answer haha. And then we went to Otakon and were blown away by Nana Kitade in concert *u*

What was your first impression of it?
Pretty much along the lines of...wow...that's totally what I would love to wear every day! Alas, for I was born in the wrong century heehee.
*Yup, also the same ^^

What is your favorite aspect?
The cuteness! The petticoats, the lace, the curls, basically just making yourself look like a perfect little doll.
*Ditto, and also the delicacy, and fragility.

Least favorite?
Hmm...that's tough...maybe how it's so expensive? And so hard to do if you're not short, thin, and Japanese.
*Especially considering how much of a dive the yen has taken T______T And also, the attention you get from it >.<

What is the style that fits you the best/favorite style?
Obviously my favorite style is amaloli, but in terms of body build, I may be more suited to gothic aristocrat, because I'm so tall...uurgg! Curse you, American genes!
*Never gonna happen haha

Least favorite?
I'm really not a fan of erololi...some things just don't work together (lolita and trying to look sexy, for example XP)
*Untrue...the series of lolita pinup pictures that was popular like, a year ago, were amazing. I have all of the ones I could find saved on my computer XD But then, I've matured obviously since high school XP Now....I'm not sure....I kind of am a little peeved by casual lolita. How can you get into the lolita spirit if you don't go all the way?

Favorite brand(s)?
Oohoooh! Baby and Angelic Pretty! <3
*Always and forever <3

Favorite accessory?
I really want a parasol! Or some sort of stuffed animal I can carry around! Giant bows are good too!
*Parasol, check!! Stuffed animal, check and uncheck, I've moved on XD Giant bows, check!! Probably pearls are my favorite now, in any form.

Who's your idol for gothloli fashion?
Hmm...I don't really know any one except Nana Kitade, but she's a little too punk sometimes for me (not that she isn't completely adorable =^.^=). Maybe Kana? Can't remember her full name, I just know that she models a lot for G&L Bible and has some really pretty sweet lolita outfits.
*Nana Kitade is still an idol of mine for sure. Kana, not so much...she's cute sometimes, but also completely bizarre haha. And now I have the whole egl community to idolize (see question 2 of the other meme heehee)

Where do you get your ideas/inspiration?
The Gothic and Lolita Bibles, I guess...and stuff I see online.
*I haven't bought any Bibles in a while...brands and community members for the most part.

Ever seen Kamikaze Girls? What did you think?
Ooh yes! Heehee that movie is hilarious...but still a little sad...yeah. Hannah, you should come over and watch it with me, if you haven't already seen it! (I doubt it, since it's kinda obscure and isn't anime =^.^=)
*And I had no idea how much that movie would become such a strong force in my life and how much it would shape who I would become, in and out of lolita clothes.

Do you own a dollfie?
Eeee no! Those things are really scary to me for some reason! Maybe just the idea of evil toy really creeps me out...that, and I'd much rather buy an expensive dress than an expensive doll =^.^=
*I'd still rather buy an expensive dress than an expensive doll, but I also have small dreams of owning a dollfie ^^;;;; Never going to happen, because I know that I wouldn't give her enough attention, so I'll just play with Hannah's :D

Have you read any of the G&L Bibles?

Have you ever been to a tea party?
YES! Heehee Hannah that was so awesome! Even if I did have to sit next to Mr. I-don't-want-to-be-here-so-I'm-gonna-complain-and-make-you-not-want-to-be-here-either. We gotta do that again sometime! Maybe we should have a Christmas tea or something with Annica to exchange presents! OOOOhhhh that's such a good idea! We totally should! We can all dress up and have dainty little cakes and it'll be all snowy and gorgeous outside...ooh we gotta!
*Bahahaha funny story XD Basically we dragged along our guy friend and it was a disaster. But anyway....been to many more, hosted one, planning tons more in the future!!

Would/do you wear it in public? Why/why not?
Eh...I'm too afraid of people staring at me and extra attention...I'm just afraid of people, really. Just too self-conscious and concerned with how people see me I guess.
*I'm less concerned with how people see me, but I'm still afraid of people and attention :/ And now I sort of feel like lolita, to some extent, belongs inside anyway, in a world away from the eyes of anyone who wouldn't understand.

What is your favorite lolita style on the opposite sex?
Ouji-sama! I need a handsome prince to come sweep me off my feet and protect a poor lonely little doll =^.^= Or dandy..which is pretty much the same thing...either way...tall guys with shaggy dark hair, awesome outfits, nice manners and chivalry = Emma's dream =^.^=
*I could go for some punk boys, too >.>

If you had limitless resources, what kind of outfit would you buy/make?
I'd probably just buy out BTSSB or Angelic Pretty...specifically, you ask? Hmm...Baby's "Sleeping Beauty jumperskirts" are adorable, I'd need a blouse...one of the ones that can be long or short sleeved, Angelic Pretty's socks with the crown on them, and a random hair bow. Oh! And white rockinghorse shoes...but only if I could magically shrink like five inches...if not, Baby's white lace-up flats. But, then again, I might want to get a one-piece dress instead...hmm...decisions, decisions....
*I've given up on the rocking horse shoes by now. But slowly over the years I've gathered up pretty much everything else...including the She is Sleeping jumperskirt I so coveted >w< Now...my ultimate dream dress, Angelic Pretty's Rose Toilette jumperskirt or one piece in pink, plus the matching round hair accessory. Goooddddddd I want that dress so bad T____T Once I get back from France and have a job again, I'm going to save up the money to buy it at obscenely marked-up prices, because it's worth it to me.
Either that, or Angelic Pretty's Circus print skirt in wine and gold. Maybe the jumperskirt. But that one's NEVER going to happen haha.
And, I can always use more accessories. Ohohoh also this bag from Baby in white or pink...I've wanted it FOREVER but I cannot spend that much on a purse. And another parasol, because the one I have, while nice, has rashcel lace (Baby wtf) and I'd prefer one with the ruffles in the same material as the parasol. But my parasol is fully functional so realistically it's stupid to spend money on another one :/
Oh my god this is bad haha. The difference is that now, I can tell you EXACTLY which pieces I'm lusting after heehee

Why do you dress lolita?
Hmm...I dunno...I guess I never really thought about why it appealed to me so much... Maybe it has something to do with looking sweet and innocent and defenseless? Or maybe just wanting to just be a little kid again and have tea parties...never really thought too hard about the deep psychology of it heehee.
*I've definitely thought about it now...and I just want that world, all of it. That's what I want to be a part of. I can't really explain it any better than that....

Awwwwww cute widdle Emilyyyyy~ XD

memes, lolita

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