So one suitcase is stuffed packed (although not as bad as it could have been...I had to stop because I was getting too close to the weight limit. I've decided on this trip I'm going to weigh it in advance to minimize airport meltdowns XD) I have this sneaking suspicion that my carry-on suitcase will be filled only with shoes (oh hai, airline security's worst nightmare =_=) I thiiinnnkkk I might make it....I don't have too many more clothes to put in, plus all my toiletries which have to be checked anyway. I'll fill the second suitcase probably Saturday night/Sunday morning after I bathe and such. Oh, and I have to pack my Sleeping Beauty jumperskirt + blouse + bloomers too >.< I decided I'd limit myself to just one outfit, because obviously I have to have SOMETHING to wear when I go to the Baby store heehee.
In other news, I'm baking coookiieeeessss. I decided to be bold and experiment, so half of the recipe is flavored with springs of our lavender plant (after double-checking that yes, that plant in our yard IS lavender and I'm not going to poison my family with some sort of mystery-weed XD), and the other half flavored with a few bags of jasmine tea. That one, I'm not so sure about hahaha. The batter tasted good, though! A few minutes in the oven and they're already doing bizarre stuff, so I dunno if I can make any promises =_= It might have been the fact that I accidentally dumped more sugar in there than I had originally planned lol
Allrrigghhttt so the bizarro jasmine cookies are out, and yes, as expected, they're bizarro XD I think it must have been too little flour, although this recipe is always dicey because too much and they're just tough. All things considered, I think if I just served these up to someone they'd never know the difference....they're a pretty pale color, the spots of tea leaves a nice contrast, and they do actually taste very good and have a lovely fragrance. It's just.....they're not supposed to be flat haha
Time to go peek at the others!
Hmmm same issue on these, much too flat. I defintiely didn't have to worry about the flavor being too light, they've got just the right amount of lavenderyness, and smell really good too!
In case anyone's interested,
this is the base recipe I used, adding 1 1/2 bags of jasmine tea to half of the recipe, and about oh, I dunno 2-3 tablespoons of chopped fresh lavender to the other half (I also didn't do the final toss in confectioners sugar because really, these cookies are fllaatttttt). It's also, coincidentally enough, the recipe I adapted (and then screwed up haha) to make Hannah's vegan cookies for the tea party. When they come out like they're supposed to, they're really lovely cookies, you should try it! And, all complaining aside, the variations I tried really came out wonderfully, so they're a nice base for things like that. I think I prefer the jasmine ones the most ^^
I should really probably get the heck off the internet and so something more practical buutttt I don't feel like it. I always have to listen to
this song in the fall - for me it has such a beautiful autumn spirit. I'm not sure whether it's really trying to talk about winter, summer, or what, but it's beautiful. The band's (Malinky) lead singer, Karine Polwart, is absolutely an angel. I think she's left the band at this point and done some solo works -
these two songs are some of my favorites of her's. I dunno though, I feel like she's not as eloquent by herself. Even though the songs themselves are beautiful, both of the songs' lyrics in particular just don't have the same beautiful crafting of language as Follow the Heron, or the other songs on the group's two cds, does. Her voice is still magical though. (speaking of, I would KILL for this woman's
voice TT_TT)
I think if I had to pick one, Celtic music would be my favorite genre. There's just something about it that's so sweet and pure and so much of life, of the earth and the people and the sky. I'm big on storytelling, maybe that's why. I can honestly say that I genuinely like every genre of music out there (try me haha), but nothing makes me want to stop and listen and think about the beauty of the world so much as Celtic music does (rap, techno, not so much lol).
Okay, seriously. Back to work now.
(if anyone's interested, I have the rest of Malinky's two cds, plus tonnnssss of other Celtic music to share ^^)