I am very much enjoying that our customer service line is down and no calls can come through! Hah!
In the meantime, the following Pandora playlists are making me happy:
* Calexico
* Patrick Wolf
* DeVotchKa
* Kate Bush
Yes, I know. Nothing groundbreaking - expecially to those of you who've memorised my music tastes (
high5revolution). Which in itself is a beautiful distinction from the musical dictatorship of Britpop/Roastbeef/Gareth Brent. Gentle learning of my tastes, and suggestions relating to what I already like vs. small-minded attempting to enforce music upon me.
No matter how many times you show me Thom Yorke swaying in front of a microphone, I'm not jumping on your annoying bandwagon!
On a completely unrelated note - Vinny, stop kicking my chair pedal thingies.