Private//Personal - Handwritten
I have not felt like this since I was a youth. There is no weight on my soul. No fear, no regret, no guilt.
I am so good at ignoring my guilt. I told Mina that I wanted to face the dark parts of my soul, but I lied. I don't want to face them. I don't want to see them.
But today, I can. I can see my darkness and my sins and I can forgive myself.
I could stay home with myself, alone, and I would not have the specters of the past to keep me company.
I have no need for a frenetic search for distraction from those ghosts. If this is a curse, I will take it.
Instead, though, I will still go out among others and I will enjoy every second even more. And if I commit sins against others, it will not pain me even in my darkest hours.
/end entry
I must give thanks to the City for this beautiful day. I can hear sap stirring with life, pushing outward to bud and blossom and shower us with petals and scent.
I believe I will visit the City zoo today. Would anyone care to accompany me?