Mar 29, 2005 02:25
It's pretty embarrassing, but I've just got out of detention ... for not writing in this thing. It wasn't my fault, though; I couldn't find it! I looked everywhere, even in the owlery, and you know how much I hate owls. Luckily one of the house-elves handed it back to me about, hmm, ten minutes ago. I must have left it behind in the kitchens, because when I turn the pages there's this powdery stuff that keeps puffing into the air, I think it must be flour. And the cover has jamprints. It's awfully untidy. Still, for some reason, it feels good to have it back, even though I know I don't write in it that often. I'll have to thank that house elf somehow. Perhaps I'll bake a cake.
[filter: Friends only]
That sounds like a good idea, actually. I'm writing this in bed, with the Lumos dimmed down and the curtains drawn, but I'm a little afraid I might wake someone ... you're all much too cranky when that happens. Well. I'm off.
[filter: Private]
I've noticed Claire's been spending loads of time with that fifth-year boy ... I should find out his name. Well. I suppose it's nothing to be worried about, I'm sure I've seen him hanging about before, but it can't hurt to check. Just because I've been ... thinking about other people things ... doesn't mean I can't watch out for her. One bad influence and who knows what could happen. And there's something about him, I just can't remember what it was. Trouble with a sixth-year Hufflepuff girl, I think. Hmm. I'll have to ask around.