
Dec 07, 2013 23:58

Departing in less than 10 days!! How exciting, when I come back it'll be two days into the new year. How am I to make my resolutions and have a good start then, haha.

I've always been a bit funny about.. starting. It must be a significant date/day for me to try to start to commit to something, like how I wanted 1 Dec to be the start of a motivated! energized! approach that I would take towards things but after the run (I ran 21km! Woohoo) I just.. meh-ed and didn't even study for my exam. (yes really, I only read my notes for the first time in a long long while after dinner on the day before the paper) (I can't believe I had the guts to do that) (which will probably explain the not-so-good score that I will get. Sigh)

And I told myself after 1 Dec that I would be healthy and fit and start exercising regularly and properly but obviously that has not turned out well. On a side note, I went and bought dumbbells! But they'll arrive only on the 13th so uh I won't be able to exercise with them before that.

Worries (that I totally deserve for bringing upon myself, superficial or not) aside, I packed up my stuff yesterday and lugged (ok not really, my mum drove me) my things back home from my room. Woah. I had so many things even though I consciously avoided bringing too many there in the first place.

And then I tried to clear them up because my nieces are coming over tomorrow and they need space to walk around and be cute kids, but then I realized I couldn't really throw away or keep anything because a) I would need them again in slightly over a month's time and b) they couldn't really be put in a proper place because they were all 'extra' stuff that I got for my room, so they never really belonged somewhere in the house in the first place.

So then I tried to look through my cupboard and take out some clothes to give away but aside from two tops I couldn't really find anything else. I mean, all my school shirts are definitely staying there, as with all school-related-but-not-school-issued ones: class t-shirts from sec 1 to 4, cca t-shirts of 4 years (even though I can't really fit into them. I never had a gymnast's body), 4 years' worth of camp tees, slc tees, council tees, fac shirts, hwach pe t-shirts (I gave up on my nanyang ones because the cutting was just odd). And then there are the clothes that I bought but don't really wear and yet can't bear to give away, so many bags but which never seem to be enough, pairs of shoes that are so similar but keep growing in number because I always end up buying mostly the same thing, soft toys that have no practical purpose except to sit there and collect dust but whose owners I can still remember, and new stuff that I bought but can't bear to use yet (like a nice pair of Lee Cooper shoes that I love but haven't worn since um 2 years ago).

AND that's not to mention my old notes that I haven't thrown away, new notebooks and post-it pads that I don't want to use because they're too pretty, and stuff.

And yet I always tsk my parents for being hoarders (though they keep different things like screws and spare parts and stuff). So my house is a mish-mash of weird things in weird places. I like nice houses that look like they belong in an Ikea catalogue or something but unless I (we) sell everything and move into another house...

Sometimes you just don't know where to start so it ends up being just like that. No wonder our house is never ready for Chinese New Year.

slob, school, decluttering

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