I'm on LiveJournal!

Dec 15, 2008 22:00

Well, of course I am, or you wouldn't be reading this here.  Took me long enough.  I thought Facebook would be enough, but this'll be nice to have.  If anyone besides me reads it, it'll be a miracle of course.

Anyway, welcome to me, and to you.  What does Missed Irony mean or denote?  Well, I love irony. What is irony?  Dictionary.com describes it as: "An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning."   When I die my tombstone will say, "Oh the irony."  But most people miss the irony in things, and I feel it's my job to point it out.  Expect lots of sarcasm.

What will I post here?  I don't know for sure.  I'll probably post graphic art I make, maybe pics and descriptions of some jewelry I make, thoughts about stuff.  I have lots of interests lately, so who knows what will make it on here!
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