May 10, 2009 04:22
So, I keep forgetting to write here. I think modern sociological popularity keeps pulling me away, meaning myspace and facebook and all that other junk.
Actually, quite a bit has been happening. I may have a short story I wrote published into a comic book (which means it won't just be a short story as much as an ongoing series...which I am hoping I can keep up with). I am working hard on the story, but I worry that I won't be able to keep it going for very long, I have a definite ending in mind, but if it means a steady pay check in the comic industry, I have to find a way to keep it going, right?
On top of that, D has given me TREMENDOUS flirtatious signs, and we even kissed...which was, quite possibly the best moment of my life...and then she met someone else, some dickhead named Simon. So, we are in limbo, once again. I keep trying to tell myself that I need to move on, to give my effort to someone who will appreciate it. I keep trying, but she can erase that with one text. i have no idea why, either, no one has EVER had that much control over my heart strings before.
It's odd, too, because when I think of myself in the future, I see her with me. When I think of my children, they're half her. I can even picture how I'd propose to her, and things I need to fix within myself to make her happy (and they are things I'm working on, whether or not anything good comes from it). I see her in nearly every aspect of my lfie, not only now, but twenty years from now.
I know I should move on, but it is so hard when I see exactly how she would/could fit into every aspect of my life.
Anyway, I hope everyone else has been doing well, and I hope my friends know that I've been checking in regularly, even if I don't post.