Oct 03, 2005 00:19
Why? Because right now Neopets and updating this are of more importance to me. Because they're more fun xD
Thursday- Power was out. No heat for lizards and no cold for food which drove me nuts @____@ I drove to the college just to use the computer.
Friday- Our power was out in the morning so I took a shower in the gym locker room at the college..I was DIRTY. Then I came home and relaxed until The Ghost Hunter at LSC with Keri. That was cool. Basically it was a guy that went in and investigated hauntings and went to haunted places and was into the darker and lighter parts...very very cool photos. Some things irked me and I thought he was getting dumb. But on the whole it was really cool. We didn;t win in the raffle to go Ghost hunting..so we took out our rage by running in open classrooms and writing on the boards :) Then we snuck around to the back of the curtian on the stage to listen, though we quickly had to run away because Keri started to giggle which made me start to giggle and we had to collapse against the side of the building. And then campus security showed up like right after to lock up some doors.. xDD Good timing I guess. Then came the writing of the odd note to Keith..my God we are immature!!! Lol.
Saturday- I got up Saturday and did all my usual shiz...watched Grease and then after that I played on the lovely computer until Keri showed up IN ALL OF HER STRANGE GLORY... XDDD Don't ask. Uhmm......hmmmm....wow I totally spaced. ANYWAY. We looked through photos hoping to find ghosts which led to Keri remembering some videotapes of like..her and her siblings and stuff so we went to her house. We snuck tjhem out because it was doubtful her mom might like her showing them around. OMG those were amusing. I still think the music video..THING was the funniest. Ha ha I saw LITTLE KERI wearing STRANGE GIRLY CLOTHING xDDDDDD
After that we tried to do chem..we got a little done and then Master Kyle showed up in all his shining tea-bag glory. He played Sims and killed people =DDD It was REALLY amusing!! Then we just sorta ate cheesesticks and watched Cold Case, which is a pretty good show. One of the better crim investigation shows. I don't ever watch it because I'm with Keith on weekends and he doesn't like to watch TV in the living room....and I supposse it's better because it has made me tear up at times.
Hmm, then Kyle left. :( That was sad. I just like couldn;t go back inside til his car left...blah. We opened the cookie dough and watched some comedies to feel better. Then it was back to chem and Keri I REALLY hope I helped enough that you at least remember some of it....I wanna be a GOOD tutor. Hmm, then it was back to tape of comedies..which went til about 4:30 am. And then we talked for like an hour before Keri left.
Then I was really "Awwww, poop" because Keith was gone for weekend, Kyle had just left for a long time probably and then blaaaaahh.....I wandered around inside a bit before I watched Zoo Babies and went to bed around 6 am.
Sunday-Today! Or well TECHNICALLY yesterday. Hmm, I woke up at 1 somehow. I thought I would sleep later. Got shower and food, and got online. In about an hour and a half I somehow managed to do my two papers, both which were 4 pages...they seemed okay to me but you know, teachers are annoyingly picky at times.
So then I....hmm..wtf did I do.....OH YEA!! I grabbed a cage and went out to get some crickets for my lizards. I walked up past the post office towards one of the bridges..I didn't go that far, just like halfway. But there were crickets just sitting in the road so I, you know, pounced them and spent a lot of time scrambling around on all 4's chasing them. Like I was literally crawling and pouncing all over the road trying to get these things. Finally I got enough and went home and fed my lizards.
Keith had called so I called him back..apparently he had a lot of fun! And uh..got to touch desks. I was hanging up little ghost decorations on our tree at the time but it got too dark to see their little strings to tie so I guess I'll finish tomorrow. After I got off the phone with him I set up the rest of the Halloween decorations...actaully..I still have a couple. Then I watched more Animal Planet stuff..and Cold Case again, a new episode that at the end I was like "OMFG I'M GONNA CRY!!!!!!!" But I staved that off by making a chemistry worksheet for Keri (I hope I didn;t make too many questions!!!!!!) and then I watched Animal Heroes and the rescue of animals from Hurrican Katrina aftermath and I got all emotional all over again @___@
Then I came online. And it's 1 am. Pros? Kyle is on yay!
Con? ...I still haven;t done my chemistry homework. .__.
Edit: Finished homework before 1:30 :3
My brother makes KICK ASS cake. This is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. He made my parents a Patriots cake and it..well..he's even good at art in FROSTING. Sewings, frosting cakes, clay figures, drawings..CRIPES. He's got me beat for any miniscule talents I have! (which is like, none). This is truly excellent cake .________.