Apartment in Palo Alto [Saturday Fandom-Time]

Jul 03, 2009 22:38

John had way too much time on his hands. Excessive amounts of time even after studying for his classes and writing papers and doing problem sets and leaving an insane number of voicemails for Jaina. It was sort of amazing how productive he could be while trapped in a city where he knew all of two people: one of whom he was avoiding, the other was his roommate whose only goal in life was to get laid.

Ultimately, he needed something to pass the weekend hours when there were no classes to help distract him. On this particular Saturday, he sat down to figure out the whole time problem. Using timestamps from e-mail and voicemail, John created a chart of how he believed his time was mapping onto the time passing back in Fandom.

Really, way too much time. He stared at his notebook for a minute and shook his head. "You really need a hobby, John."

[I am a loser. Open for calls/e-mails/mockery. NFB]

people: jaina who is an alien, fact: tiiiiiiiime is on my side, places: earth, fact: i do some really stupid stuff, places: california, events: phone

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