Room 527, Sunday Morning

Jun 07, 2009 01:06

Over the last couple years, John had turned his room into the sort of place people could stay in forever so long as food was brought in regularly. Or, you know, people weren't thinking about food.

This morning was no different from the last few mornings, waking up warm and snuggled against his girlfriend with hands wandering over smooth skin and one thing leading to another, as was typical.

Afterwords, John dropped back against the pillows and sighed, completely satisfied. At least, up until he registered a muffled beeping coming from...somewhere.

"What's that noise?" So familiar, and yet so not.

[Massive SP with that girl from that thing that time, ZOMM]

people: jaina who is an alien, fact: jaina's life is tl;dr, fact: kissing makes it all better, places: 527

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