Oct 29, 2009 00:11

TODAY'S* THE DAY!!!! Lola comes to England to come and visit me for the first time EVER! I'm so excited, but the nerves are really kicking in now. And it's only just really hit me that she's coming down and I need to clean my room!

I'm so scared too! What do I say when I see her? What do I wear?!! I'm just hoping it goes well! I don't know whether I will see her on the Thursday or the Friday.. So, I will definately need to get credit!

But, this has to be the best Halloween ever :D

My list of things to do before Lola comes:
  • CLEAN MY ROOM!! (This is a must, obviously)
  • Get credit to keep in contact with her
  • Charge phone incase she tries to get in contact
  • Get Charlie-Fest DVDs ready, because we might have time for our movie night XD
  • Buy Poptarts and drinks
  • Do a bit more coursework (I don't want to have to do lots while she is here)
  • Make sure house is nice and tidy ^_^
  • Take library books back and collect ones I need

Hopefully, this will give me enough to do before she comes, or I'll just be all nervous and looking out the window every five seconds XD

*ETA: I just realized I posted this eleven minutes into 29th Oct. Which means in like 9 hours or whenever they are setting off, they'll be coming to England!!! Am I obsessing too much? Sorry, I'm just nervous and really should go to bed, but I can't sleep. Too excited XD

ETAX2: I got a new Jason icon...    :D

ETAX3: I've managed to get everything done except the coursework XD Gah, I'm too nervous to sit down and write a bleedin' Christmas Script for 6 years old. IT'S KILLING ME. I GIVE UP WITH IT. There's five people in my group, someone else can have a turn because I've been the only one doing it. Those bitches XD

halloween, lola

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