Dinner took a lot longer than it should have...I'm exhausted.
Conversation was really good though, so at least I wasn't bored. Talked to a guy on the committee (that I'm here for the meeting with) who is from Jersey who was in the South Tower of the WTC when it got hit...crazy. I can't even imagine experiencing that..and the wierdest thing he said was that he had no idea that anything bad was even happening. He didn't even leave until the building basically bent in half and then swung back to normal...His company was lucky and didn't lose anyone. We had a long talk about Ann Coulter's views on the 9/11 widows. He had some interesting view points on those who were left behind and has had mixed emotions on thier behavior. Not that he supports Ann Coulter, and I loath her in general, but her behavior was a good vehicle to talk about his experience. I've never met anyone who was actually "there", in the building. He said his wife told him to leave right after the first plane hit, but he was "A)stubborn and didn't want to listen to what she said, B)wanted to see what was happening, C)thought that it was a small plane and I would be able to wait a couple hours until the streets cleared out."
He's a really cool guy, I'm glad I got to talk to him about it. In general I really like all the people who are on this committee (the minority recruiting committee). They do a lot of good stuff and it's cool to be involved with it. I've been so busy preparing for this meeting that it's nice to finally see it all come together and that people are appreciative and impressed with the work i've done. Plus most of these people I've only talked to on the phone or via e-mail, so meeting face to face is pretty cool. It's so wierd to see what this job has evolved as. I'm really glad I got the opportunity to take this position. Not only do I get to do editorial stuff, but also a lot of work that will be able to take me further with other non-profits. I feel pretty lucky, so I guess I shouldn't complain about being at Midway for two days.
Side note, David Letterman is hilarious.
I'm so tired, I don't think I'm going to get to my list of things I wanted to write about. Perhaps another time.
I will say that life is pretty damn good right now. I'm really happy in general and in all aspects. Yesterday, Sean and I celebrated our two year anniversary. We went to Red Lobster and got down with some cheezy bizcuts. I took some pictures with my camera phone:
me, obviously pondering the wonder of our relationship...
sean, wondering how he ever got so lucky...
My fucking LB and A HALF of crab legs. MMM MM MMMMMMMMMMM.
I got some very nice planting tools and a sweet duck that I wanted from target that is for the patio but I'm too afraid someone will steal it so I put it up on the cabinet in the kitchen for now. I should take its picture. With a better camera than my phone. I got Sean a humming bird feeder (he's probably not happy that I made that public knowledge) and of course my undying devotion. We got ice cream after dinner and all in all it was a nice evening. I'm glad we kept each other around for this long. Who knew I would end up loving him so much.
Okay I have to go to bed now. I'm going over the line to moosh city.
Sweet Dreams.