Feb 28, 2006 21:13
Well....It didn't really go as I had planned it..What I was going to do today:
Clean my house, deposit my paycheck, pack for my trip to Nashville tomorrow.
What I ended up doing today.
Taking my cousin to the hospital! (Thank god I was home) Which even though going to the hospital shouldn't be fun...we had fun, she threw her back out and they gave her a pharmy cocktail that perked her right back up....Eating portillos. Watching Barney with my Munchkin. Then...going home to find out I DIDN'T GET PAID! Apparently it's like this...
Someone, not me, didn't inform them until yesterday that I quit so they paid me too much...so instead of letting me know that I needed to give them that money back...they stopped payment on my check an issued a new check...didn't call me to see if I wanted to pick it up, but mailed it out YESTERDAY! The dude I spoke with in HR said "I'll need to make some financial arrangements until it comes"...well let me just tap into my Swiss Bank Account and move some money around asshole. I swear to god, it's like the fucking kick in the ass on the way out. Luckily my parents aren't 25 and living paycheck to paycheck and they can afford to "move" some shit over my way so I can pay my god damned bills. Fucking piece of shit assholes. I just realized that he never even apologized.
So cleaning the house never happened..i got my clothes sorted and I'm going to pack them. I am leaving my house at 4:45 am...I will be in Music City, USA at 8:16. Sean is picking me up...I'm happy for that.
I guess Karma exists...I think I have some cool stuff come my way...but man do I earn it.