Dec 29, 2005 13:29
I have been following the discussion regarding singleness and marriage on Rocky's LJ. I have some thoughts but they are really more reflections as I am sifting through things in my life right now. I do believe there is a "call" to singleness, and I agree that it is not ambiguous. However, for me, it has been about taking that area off my radar screen and entrusting that I am called to serve as I am. I have felt offended at the intimation that a single person is somehow more immature and unable to commit long term to relationships that can work as iron sharpening iron. (BTW, Rocky did not post that sentiment.)
In the last year, I found myself dealing with attraction in a relationship on levels that I had not experienced in the past. It sort of snuck up on me. I did not consider doing this lightly, but I sensed it was right to pursue the relationship as a friend and be open. Perhaps, God was changing things. Perhaps not. It turns out, we are becoming really good friends, but it is clear that, for various reasons I will not get into here, we are not pursuing anything beyond friendship. I am enjoying the company and support.
I had a friend once say to me, "I thought I had beat selfishness in my Christian walk until I moved in with the other guys in the apartment while I was going to college. After that experience, I thought I had really beat selfishness, until I got married. I worked on it and thought I had really finally arrived at not being selfish, then I had children." I agree that marriage and parenthood can challenge selfishness, but it is the person's choices as we have all known plenty of selfish husbands, wives, and parents. However, it is God's desire to see us grow and mature. He is sure to place people in our lives whether single or married to mature us. It is a guarantee. He is not particularly bothered by our marital status. Personally, I think He thinks much less about it than we do.
Here is what I am facing now. Our lives are about His Kingdom, His rule and reign. If we choose to pursue that, there will be sacrifices that will have to be made. It is important to be wise and sober about the sacrifices made to God because times, even years later, will come that will challenge the spirit of those sacrifices. I am in the middle of one of those times and I daily have to remind myself that my life is His to spend as He desires.
That sounds all noble, but believe me, I have never felt less noble...