I'd post a picture of it, but it will collapse if I leave it. QUICK! Someone pay for another night then come keep me company! Bring snacks.
Yesterday at work was messy and long and very exhausting. My day ended with me on the floor with someone having a seizure. We don't normally have a lot of grand mals happen at work (although we've had more than usual lately), but when we do, it's usually me down there providing the friendly face to wake up to.
I got out of work later than I planned on, but still decided my hair needed some taming, so I went to get it cut before heading up to Southfield. Picked up a few things, one being a new laptop so I can start the process of getting back into my second job. I hate that I've been losing out on so much money! Next purchase will be my camera.
Got stuck in some ugly traffic in my way up here. Didn't kill anyone (that I'm aware of). I did, however, kill the radio in my car. I has a very big sad. It also took out the cigarette lighter, so I can't keep my phone charged, either. No, it's not a simple fuse issue. There was smoke and melty things. :(
Checked in at the hotel, enjoyed a few minutes of quality No Pants time. There may or may not have been dancing. Then it was time to head to the school for the Reiki share. I nearly chickened out due to anxiety.
I didn't chicken out, and I am THRILLED that I didn't! I have nearly forgotten how wonderful it feels to walk through those doors. Immediately upon entering, I feel loved, accepted, safe, and stress-free.
The share started with introductions of new people, then a guided meditation, and then we broke off into groups of three. My group had the interesting dynamic of having someone who had never knowingly experienced any sort of energy work. She turned out to have a natural talent for it. Energy work is fairly simple to begin with, but some lack the confidence to follow through with instinct. My experience at the event was nothing short of amazing and I got exactly what I needed from it.
After the share, I went back to the hotel for a shower and to relax a bit before meeting my friend. I got myself distracted for a bit, so the only thing I got was the shower before I got an "on my way" text. So I hurried through getting dressed and doing hair and makeup. Turns out I didn't have to hurry, because he is just as excellent at missing exits as I am and took a bit longer than we expected.
We met at TGI Friday's. I've never been to one before, as we don't have any in my immediate area. Had I known about the awesomeness that is the deep fried green bean, I would have sought the place out long ago!
We enjoyed much conversation and laughter, and stayed up way past our bedtimes. I had a very fantastic time, and I'm hoping for a repeat performance in the near future.
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