Dec 31, 2012 16:22
I was extra lazy in blogging this year. Only two posts. I should try to do better. I find writing things down does cut down on the brain weasels. Something to work on for next year.
Anywho the highlights of 2012.
Work - it continues to be. Same old same old. Which on one hand is good and on the other not so good. I really need to think about goals and where this boat is going. We have had some people leave this year which has temporary added to my work load. Hoping to transfer them to someone else this year but i think it will be a slow process. Our Dean also left this year. The jury is still out on who will be the next. Hopefully hear about that soon. Leadership changes always brings something new so we shall see what that is.
SCA - This has been a very big year for me. In April I stepped down as Kingdom Webminister. I enjoyed the job very much but it is one that does have its frustrations. I was getting a bit crispy so it was quiet pleasing to pass it off to capable hands. I am still on the support team but things are very quiet. I learned quiet a lot as webminster. Learned a few new tricks but if I think I would need to up my coding skill sets if I ever do it again.
My helium hand got the better of me during the summer and I applied for Clerk of Precedence. Took over that at the end of October. So far so good. Still working out the kinks on that one.
In June I was put on vigil for the Order of the Pelican, elevated at Crown in October. It still blows me away that that happened. I think it will take a bit for it to sink in.
Personal - I turned 40 this year. It seems strange to say that and to think when I was a kid how old I though 40 was. Turning 40 leads to a lot of navel gazing - thinking about health and such. I have been working on that. First steps have been to eat less and cut back on sugar. Have been more or less successful on that front. I would like to get more proactive about excessive but that has been harder. I have been better about taking the stairs at work but I need to do that more and not be lazy when I have a bad day.
One of the biggest things to happen to me was that my Grandma Dwyer died on Nov. 1. Somehow I thought I was prepared for her to die. Her health has been failing for a few years now but still it hit hard. I think it was hard because she was my last grandparent. She was ever present in my life so it is like the close of a chapter. Times that will not come again. Grandma lived to be 96 and for the most part had a good long life. Her spirit will always be with me.
As years go, 2012 has been more good than bad. Here is hoping for good things in 2013.